For Honor Wiki

"Glorious death gives us life."

Yato, the son in a long line of executioners, was betrayed by his family and everyone he knew after being deemed too dangerous.


Yato believed he would do anything for his clan.

His family of executioners were one of many clans in Josei fighting to overthrow the daimyo. Executioners learned to keep their emotions in check, but Yato carried out his sacred task with an alarming and unwavering commitment. He swung his masakari with perfect precision, cutting short any woeful begging with a swift strike. There was no pity, only duty, and Yato made it look like art. Townsfolk gathered in fear and fascination at Yato’s performances, to the frustration of his envious peers.

When Yato wasn’t working, he eliminated key members of the court so his family could rise in power. One day, he was finally tasked with assassinating the daimyo. His father prepared everything. The inn staff had been bribed. Their samurai replaced the guards. All he needed to do was sneak in and get the job done.

Red moonlight shone into the room as Yato crept on the sleeping daimyo. He raised his masakari up high and swung, but no blood spilled. He flipped the futon over, revealing bundles of straw. The doors around him slid open. His father and daimyo stood next to each other, surrounded by guards and a dozen executioners.

Yato had been fooled.

His father told him he had become too powerful, a threat that needed to be eliminated. The betrayal shook Yato’s faith. Any sense of duty he felt died in that instant and, surrounded by the strongest soldiers in Josei, Yato felt no fear. He executed them all without hesitation. The guards, the executioners, the daimyo and his father. Yato felt no remorse. No one could challenge him.

Drenched in his family’s blood, Yato vowed to fight for no cause other than his own and to bring the sweet repose of death to anyone who stood in his way.


Yato would later become the leader of the Samurai Horkos. It is unknown if he joined their cause of his own will or through the rumored Draconite's mind control ability.

He showed up as the main boss during the final phase of the first Tales of Rebellion, defending his castle at Overwatch. He is defeated at the end of the event, although it is unknown if he is permanently dead as Draconite has proven to be a means to revive someone.


  • The weekly quest "Messengers of Doom" showcases Yato's death, where he is killed by the player at village of Kaidan.
    • It is revealed that Yato goes by the alias of "The White Ghost."
    • Yato is known as a "Messenger of Doom". The other three are the Black Prior Erzebet, the Jormungandr Gretar, and the Zhanhu Fu Huo.
    • Yato's final words are "You are a lonely soul... you cannot win."


