"All my life, something was missing. But in exile, I found it. True dedication, a bond unbreakable: the promise of a Varangian Guard."
"Justice is on the march. Can you hear it?"
The Varangian Guard are a playable hero class in For Honor.
"The oath bought and sold is worth no coin at all."
The Varangian Guards' journey is encapsulated by this mantra, reflecting their steadfast dedication, emphasizing that their loyalty cannot be compromised by monetary gains.
Originating from distant lands beyond Heathmoor, the Varangian Guards, a group of mercenary Vikings, have flourished. United by an unwavering commitment, these warriors are renowned for their absolute loyalty. Once they pledge an oath, there is no wavering; they remain steadfastly true to both their client and themselves.
As they ventured into uncharted territories, these formidable fighters transcended their Viking roots, embracing the role of mercenaries. Despite this transformation, their Viking essence persists, evolving into something more - elite bodyguards possessing unparalleled combat skills.
Unlike the Vikings who they fight alongside with, the hardy Varangian Guard distinctly are heavily armored from head to toe. They wear a decorated conical helm with a single plume on top, with an aventail attached to cover their face and neck. Their chainmail hauberk covers their entire torso, arms and thighs, with a cape over their back, the Varangian's signature chest harness over their torso and thick leather vambraces on their arms. The Varangian Guard wears thick boots over their breches to allow themselves to march through the cold and snow.
Longaxe and Kite Shield - The Varangian Guard wield the iconic axe that many Vikings use, but pairs it together with the kite shield, signifying their dedication not to just combat but to protection too.
Known Varangian Guards[]
- Katla
- The Varangian Guards are based on the Byzantine elite units of the same name. The Varangian Guards were personal bodyguards of the Byzantine Emperor, primarily composed of recruits from Scandinavia but also other parts of northern Europe such as England. Recruiting distant foreigners was pursued as a deliberate policy, as these men would have little to no stake in local politics, thus can be relied upon to suppress revolts by disloyal Byzantine factions.
- "Varangian" refers to Viking conquerors, traders and settlers who eventually settled in Eastern European territories such as Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. One group of the Varangians, known as the Rus' or Russes, would end up being the earliest members of the initial Varangian Guard as early as the 870s.
- The Varangian Guard was first formally constituted under Emperor Basil II in 988. Having recently usurped power in Kiev with an army of Varangian warriors, Vladimir I of Kiev sent 6,000 men to Basil as part of a military assistance agreement. Basil himself held a distrust for the native Byzantine guardsmen, as their loyalties often swayed drastically due to local politics; observing the proven loyalty of the Varangians, many of whom had previously served in Byzantium, the Emperor decided employ them as his personal guardsmen. This would put forth the aforementioned policy and tradition among the Varangian Guard that personal bodyguards would be foreign recruits.
- Due to the similarity between the lore of the Varangian and the unconfirmed leak lore for Gryphon, it may be possible that Gryphon was initially meant to be an offshoot of the Varangian Guard, only to be delayed to being their own hero years later for unknown reasons.
- Just like the Heroes since the start of Year 4, the Varangian Guard is a genderlocked Hero, her ornaments placed on her shoulder instead of the head, but features Alternate armor variation.
- For the most part, Alternate armor variations are an "infantry grade" visual counterpart to their normal variant, featuring less flare in comparison such as the lack of head ornaments, cape and vambraces. Unlike the Alternate versions of the last few Heroes, the Alternate armor for the Varangian Guard does not take on more of a player's set colours scheme than the normal variant.
- Varangian Guard is also currently the only Hero of the Viking faction who features metal as their material customization choice (iron, bronze, copper, etc.) compared to the cloth/leather customization choice given to the Samurai and Vikings.
- Much like the Black Prior, the Varangian Guard wields a Kite Shield. However, while the design of the Black Prior's shield is flat on top much like a Heater Shield, the Varangian Guard's shield is rounded, making it more teardrop or leaf-like in shape. The teardrop shape is the most common depiction of the shield in historical material. and is iconic of Norman warfare.
- The grips used to hold the shield is also situated differently. Black Prior (along with Conqueror and Valkyrie) utilize vertical grips and enarmes (leather straps) that cause their shield to be held upright if their forearm is parallel to the ground. The Varangian Guards' shields have horizontal grips instead where the shield is strapped along their forearm, with the bottom of the shield at their elbow and the top of it at their hand.
- The Varangian Guard speaks in both Icelandic and Greek, showing both their heritage and their mercenary trade. Contrary to Gryphon who speaks different lines in their respective language, Varangian Guard instead intersperses Greek terminology within her otherwise Icelandic speeches.
- Their ability to speak Greek is reflective of the dominant language that was spoken in the Byzantine Empire.
Due to Varangian Guard speaking in mixed language, when Icelandic is spoken, Greek parts will be italicized, both in the original and in translation.
- Icelandic: Of seinnt! - English: "Too late!"
- Sellsword's Valor (Side Dodge Light)
- Icelandic: Ég sver það! - English: "I swear it!"
- Sellsword's Valor (Side Dodge Light)
- Icelandic: Heift varðarins! - English: "Fury of the guard!"
- Sellsword's Valor (Side Dodge Light)
- Icelandic: Hvílíkur... - English: "What a..."
- Sellsword's Valor (Side Dodge Light)
- Icelandic: Dauðinn nær þér! - English: "Death nears for you!"
- Sellsword's Valor (Side Dodge Light)
- Icelandic: "Einbeittu þér!" - English: "Concentrate, you!"
- Sellsword's Bounty (Forward Dodge Light)
- Icelandic: "Ekkert persónulegt!" - English: "Nothing personal!"
- Sellsword's Bounty (Forward Dodge Light)
- Icelandic: "Snúðu þér að mér!" - English: "Face me!"
- Sellsword's Bounty (Forward Dodge Light)
- Icelandic: "Verð að vinna!" - English: "Must win!"
- Sellsword's Bounty (Forward Dodge Light)
- Icelandic: "Stattu í lappirnar!" - English: "Stand on your legs!"
- Sellsword's Bounty (Forward Dodge Light)
- Icelandic: "Burt!" - English: "Away!"
- Headbutt Follow-up
- Icelandic: "Réttlæti!" - English: "Justice!"
- Headbutt Follow-up
- Icelandic: "Burtu!" - English: "Get away!"
- Headbutt Follow-up
- Icelandic: "Svikari!" - English: "Traitor!"
- Headbutt Follow-up
- Icelandic: "Afram!" - English: "Forward!"
- Sellsword's Smite (Neutral Bash)
- Icelandic: "Éttu skjöld!" - English: "Eat shield!"
- Sellsword's Smite (Neutral Bash)
- Icelandic: "Dettu!" - English: "Fall!"
- Sellsword's Smite (Neutral Bash)
- Icelandic: "Passaðu höfuðið!" - English: "Watch your head!"
- Sellsword's Smite (Neutral Bash)
- Icelandic: "Hörfaðu!" - English: "Retreat!"
- Sellsword's Smite (Neutral Bash)
- Icelandic: "Haltu á þessu!" - English: "Hold this!"
- Aesir Oathkeeper (Stance Heavy)
- Icelandic: "Viðkvæmni!" - English: "Retreat!"
- Hjaldr Oathkeeper (Stance Light)
- Icelandic: "Láttu undan!" - English: "Renounce!" or "Give up!"
- Oathkeeper Smite (Stance Bash)
Feats & Others[]
- Reclaim the Land Feat
- Icelandic: Fyrir Valkenheim! - English: "For Valkenheim!"
- Icelandic: Afhjúpið þá trúlausu! - English: "Expose the faithless!"
- Icelandic: Horfið á okkur! - English: "Behold us!"
- When Revived:
- Icelandic: πελάτης (pelátis) minn er þakklátur. - English: "My patron is grateful."
- Icelandic:Ég er χάρη (χάρη) þér. - English: "I am indebted to you."
- Icelandic: μισθός (misthós) mitt er þitt. - English: "My wage is yours."
- Icelandic: Gera þarf συμβόλαιο (symvólaio). - English: "We must finish our contract."
- Icelandic: Takk fyrir. - English: "Thank you."
- When Respawning:
- Greek: Έμπρός (Embros). - English: "Onward."
- Icelandic: Fyrir φρουρά (frourá). - English: "For the guard."
- Icelandic: καθήκον (kathíkon) kallar. - English: "Duty calls."
- Icelandic: Ég skal standa með όρκος (órkos) minn. - English: "I shall stand by my oath."
- Icelandic: αδελφοί (adelfoí) mínar þarfnast mín. - English: "My brethren need me."
Fighting Style[]
The Varangian Guards epitomize protectors with unrivaled defensive prowess, making them invaluable assets in any conflict. Armed with axes and shields, they employ their distinctive defensive stance, Oathkeeper, to disable adversaries. Their combat finesse, finely honed over time, strikes a harmonious balance between refined skill and unbridled Viking ferocity.
- Difficulty: Medium
- Protective Disabler
- Numerous moves that blocks incoming attacks or binds opponents into a pin
Special Capabilities[]
- All Lights, including Dodge Lights and Stance Lights, have Superior Block properties and are Enhanced
- Unblockable and Pinning Heavy Finishers that leads into a unique mix-up
- Oathkeeper, a Temporal All-Block Stance that Binds opponents who hit the Stance and let the Varangian Guard choose who to target
- Support Based Feats that seek to help allies, especially as the Varangian Guard puts their body on the line
Available Perks for the Varangian Guard can be viewed on the Perks page.
- T1: Take Shelter: heal nearby allies (not the Varangian) for 10 every time you superior block an attack.
- Body Count
- Speed Revive
- T2: Misthia Ward: Gain a strong defensive buff (50% damage reduction) for five seconds every time you superior block an attack.
- Thick Skin
- Thrilling Comeback
- T3: Aesir Aura: Give a 15% attack buff to you and nearby allies for five seconds every time you land an Aesir Bind.
- Punch Through
- Protected Revive
- T4: Reclaim the Land: Call a hail of spears to a location, dealing 40 damage, while planting a Doom Banner on that location.
- Regenerate
- Stalwart Banner
- Renown: Heavy - Earn more Renown by assisting or saving Heroes, and holding objectives to unlock your feats in a match. (non-Dominion/Breach gamemodes only)
- Revenge Mode - Boosts Damage and Health. All Attacks are Uninterruptible. Parry and Throws knock enemies down. Attacks are Auto-Parried on activation.
- Dodge: No Guard - When performing a Dodge, your Hero's Guard disappears until the end of the Dodge.
Hero Specific[]
- Special Light Attacks - All Light Attacks, including Sellsword's Bounty, Sellsword's Valor and Hjaldr Oathkeeper, are Enhanced and have the Superior Block property during their Startup, causing the attack to become a Crushing Counter (unblockable and increased damage) if successful at blocking an attack. Time well to counter attack or, in the case of the Light Finishers or Hjaldr Oathkeeper, fend against ganking foes.
- Extended Superior Block - Varangian Guard's Superior Block windows are slightly larger than most instances of Superior Block on other Heroes, granting her an easier time in counterattacking opponents.
- Aesir Guardbreak - Chain Heavy Finishers can be soft feinted into a Guardbreak with the MMB (PC), X (XB1) or 🔲 (PS4) input during their start-up.
- Aesir Bind - Heavy Finishers, including Aesir Oathkeeper, is Unblockable and will Pin the Opponent with Aesir Bind.
- Low Recovery Pin - Unlike most Pins that essentially increase the recovery time for both the Hero and their target, Aesir Bind's Pin Recovery is relatively short for both Varangian Guard and the opponent.
- Bind Follow-up - During Aesir Bind, perform either a Headbutt Follow-up with the MMB (PC), X (XB1) or 🔲 (PS4) input, a Sellsword's Evasion with the Dodge input or Oathkeeper with the C (PC) or RS↓ (XB, PS4) inputs.
- Chain Openers - Sellsword's Bounty, Sellsword's Valor, Allegiant Charge, Allegiant Spiral, Hjaldr Oathkeeper and Oathkeeper Spiral count as Chain Openers, leading into a Light or Heavy Finisher.
- Bash Openers - Sellsword's Smite and Headbutt Follow-up can chain into a Light Opener or Heavy Opener, with the Light being guaranteed. Cannot chain on-miss.
- Oathkeeper - Press C (PC) or RS↓ (XB, PS4) to gain a Full Block Stance briefly. Successfully blocking allows Varangian Guard to counterattack with some special moves.
- Oathkeeper Hold - Heroes who attack the Oathkeeper All-Block will be placed under a Bind effect as the Varangian Guard extends the duration of the All-Block. This extended All-Block also triggers the Bind effect. The Bind effect lasts until the current All-Block ends or when Varangian Guard performs an Oathkeeper Riposte on a different target or Sellsword's Evasion.
- Flow into Oathkeeper - Oathkeeper can be accessed during the recovery of any non-Bash or non-Oathkeeper Riposte attack, during Aesir Bind, or during the start-up of a chain Heavy attack.
- Oathkeeper Ripostes - All Oathkeeper Ripostes are guaranteed, with the Bind effect extending it on the target to assure the attack lands.
- Multi-Directional Ripostes - Hjaldr Oathkeeper and Aesir Oathkeeper can be performed in any desired Guard Direction instead of being performed from a fixed Guard Direction.
- Oathkeeper Reprisal - Unlike most riposte moves, Oathkeeper Ripostes will not automatically target the last opponent who was blocked. Instead, Varangian Guard will always perform her Ripostes against the opponent she is currently locked onto.
- Sellsword's Evasion - During Aesir Bind or Oathkeeper Hold, Varangian Guard can cancel into a Dodge or Dodge Attack.
(From Guard Mode)
Varangian Guard/Gear
Absolute Will |
Axe and Hammer |
Back Crack |
Head Block |
Passive Stance[]
Battle Plan |
Stretching Out |
Better Luck Next Time |
Double Slam |
Not Fair! |
Fighting Stance[]
Shield Drum |
You're Finished |
Axe Trick |
Hit Me |
Big Flex |
Defiant Challenge |
Requiescat In Pace |
Rampage Of Ragnarok |
Cheaty Flute |
Blow Your Own Horn |
Harpy Hey Joe |
Lute Not |
Sylvan Vaporization |
Horkos Pharmakos |
Sylvan Metamorphasis |
Revenant Slayer |
Ulfhednar Killer |
Shiryo Avenger |
Jiangshi Banisher |
Minified And Put Aside |
Minified And Magnified |
Minified And Stomped |
Minified And Kicked Away |
Wolf Among Sheep |
Ilma's Scythe |
Cane You Feel It |
Brought You A Gift |
Chimera Salvation |
Blades of the Vanguards |
Resounding Defeat |
Deadly Hare |
Sylvan Detachment |
To The Great Beyond |
Feast Upon The Weak |
The Masquerade Is Over |
Unquenchable Wolf |
Farewell, Chimera Music Box |
Farewell, Chimera Zither |
Farewell, Horkos Bagpipe |
Farewell, Horkos Violin |
Wrathful Concision |
Willful Concision |
Sorrowful Concision |
Artful Concision |
Aegir's Reach |
Anchors Down |
Chill Out |
Death Metal Triangle |
Fish In A Barrel |
Get Whale Soon |
Off The Hook |
The Huntress' Prey |
Ran's Bestowment |
What Goes Around |
Just Add Oil |
A Plague Unto You |
Blow Dart Barrage |
Jorogumo's Hunter |
The Spider's Thrall |
Gruesome Punishment |
Passive Stance[]
The Bard's Instrument |
Sword In The Stone |
Ready To Rumble |
Volcanic Destruction Blast |
Jack O Lantern |
Leap Of Faith |
Penguin Walk |
Vortiger's Ascent |
Shadows of the Hitokiri |
Zhanhu's Fire |
Dubious Assessment |
One Of Your Shrugs |
Howl At The Moon |
Confused Warrior |
Skeptically Swaying |
Horkos Grimoire |
Sylvan Book |
Sylvan Meditation |
In ChaRAHcter |
Muscular Archer |
Muscular Biceps |
Message Board |
Sylvan Panacea |
Selfish Drinker |
Chimera Bagpipe |
Chimera Music Box |
Chimera Violin |
Chimera Zither |
Horkos Bagpipe |
Horkos Music Box |
Horkos Violin |
Horkos Zither |
Odaiko |
Raising Glasses |
Suspended Gong |
The Bodhran |
The Field Drum |
Suspicious Tumbleweed |
Elegant Dance |
The Bard's Triangle |
Gryphon's Fireside |
Boxing Drill |
Mad Alchemist |
Stars of Destiny |
Boxing Drill |
Think About It |
My Juggle Act |
Most Wanted |
Think About It |
My Juggle Act |
Most Wanted |
A Light In The Dark |
Sun's Out Chair's Out |
Dev Handshake |
Handle With Care |
Popcorn Kick |
Follow My Lead |
Snake Crossing |
Rocking Horse |
Rhythms of Shibu |
Fighting Stance[]
Snowball Fight! |
Heroes | |
Knights | Warden - Conqueror - Peacekeeper - Lawbringer -Centurion Gladiator - Black Prior - Warmonger - Gryphon |
Samurai | Kensei - Shugoki - Orochi - Nobushi - Shinobi Aramusha - Hitokiri - Kyoshin - Sohei |
Vikings | Raider - Warlord - Berserker - Valkyrie - Highlander Shaman - Jormungandr - Varangian Guard |
Wu Lin | Tiandi - Jiang Jun - Nuxia - Shaolin - Zhanhu |
Outlanders | Pirate - Medjay - Afeera - Ocelotl - Khatun |