"Valhalla: our reward for dying in battle. But what of those who die elsewhere? The Valkyries - a warrior order who have made a deal with the gods. Each one can earn glory for our fallen dead. In time, they can win a place for the deserving. But they alone decide for whom they fight. Masters of the spear and the shield, scouts, trackers, and perhaps your only hope for salvation."
Valkyries are a playable hero class in For Honor.
The Valkyries have made a deal with the gods. They will fight and earn glory so that those who can’t will be counted in the halls of Valhalla. They are scouts and trackers who use their spears and shields to deadly effect. They are chosen by the gods—pray that you never encounter one on the battlefield.[1]
The Valkyrie wear mostly leather armor with some metal plates. On their shoulder plates are fur linings that provide warmth in the harsh weather of Valkenheim. Their helmet has a full face plate and ram horns. The skulls of rams are attached to their gauntlets.
Spear and Shield - The Spear is a simple weapon: a sharpened metal point at the end of a long wooden shaft. The shield is small and only gives so much protection.
But put them in the hands of a Valkyrie and they are a deadly combination. The long shaft gives the Valkyrie reach, while the shield offers what defense they need. An attack can come from either and an enemy can find themselves on their back if they are too slow.
- In Norse Mythology, Valkyries were female spirits who chose who lived or died in battle. They brought half the souls of the slain to Valhalla and the other half to Fólkvangr.
- The title "Valkyrie" in Old Norse is "valkyrja" which means "chooser of the slain."
- While all promotional materials feature the Valkyrie (and other Viking Heroes) wearing a horned helmet, there is no historical proof that Vikings have actually worn such helmets in battle.
- Until Season 12, Valkyrie (together with Raider) were not able to go without Ornaments, which in a way reinforced this idea that Vikings had horned helmets. Oddly enough, Warlord did not possess this restriction, although he is another Viking Hero who wears a helmet and can have horns for Ornaments.
- While the game lists Valkyrie as a hard character, the website lists her as a medium. This is possibly due to the Valkyrie being listed as medium during testing, changed for the final game, and the website has chosen not to update this information.
- Valkyrie together with Raider are featured in Ubisoft's free-to-play RPG game Might Quest, announced on February 14th, 2020. A dedicated blog post was made for this addition, which can be read here.
- Although Valkyrie possesses an ability in her moveset called "Dodge Block," it is effectively a Deflect as it functions almost like one.
- It is not called a Deflect as Valkyrie possesses a Static Guard compared to the Assassin's Reflex Guard, on top of the Dodge Block possessing Superior Block property in contrast to the Deflect which does not reflect Light Attacks (akin to blocking when Exhausted).
- The "Val the Impaler" Execution is a reference to Vlad the Impaler.
- The "Get to the Chopper!" Execution refers to a line said during the first film of the Predator series.
- Icelandic: "ÉG DREP ÞIG!" – English: "I'll kill you!"
- Leg Sweep
- Icelandic: "Dauðastund!" - English: "Time to die!" or "(This is your) moment of death!"
- Shield charge or Shield Tackle
- Icelandic: "Þú ert minn!" – English: "You're mine!"
- No Touching Execution
- Icelandic: "Þinn tími er runninn upp!" – English: "Your time has run out!"
- Shield Grab Execution
- Icelandic: "Hér bíður þín bara dauðinn!" – English: "Only death awaits you here!"
- Through and Through Execution
- Icelandic: "Örlög þín eru ráðin!" – English: "Your fate is sealed!"
- Skewer Let On Execution
Fighting Style[]
The Valkyrie is versatile with a slew of mix-ups in their chain that provide both offense and defense. She is a very adaptable Hero and very good at keeping pressure on her foes through the use of Shield Bashes and Spear Sweep.
- Difficulty: Hard
- Offense-Defense Mix-ups
- Versatile Combos
Special Capabilities[]
- Shield Tackle that has Full Block Stance, allowing Valkyrie to keep up pressure with both Offense and Defense
- Can use Spear Sweep after a throw or as a Chain Finisher to knock enemies off balance for a punish
- Can use Superior Block Lights, Dodge Block and Shield Tackle to counter-attack
Available Perks for the Valkyrie can be viewed on the Perks page.
Tier | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
1 | Rush
Trigger to gain movement speed for a short duration. |
Passive | Attacks deal more Damage |
Bounty Hunter
Passive | Gain Health & Stamina when you kill another hero |
2 | Killing heroes grants temporary attack and defense boosts | Bear Trap
Medium damage trap that stops victims in their tracks. |
You're slowed and gain high Damage reduction |
3 | Javelin Throw a javelin for moderate damage. |
Raise sprint speed slightly and attack and defense greatly. |
Sharpen Bladed
Attacks inflict low Damage over time. |
4 | Scout All enemies are marked for death and show up on radar. |
Fire Flask
Throw a projectile creating a fire area of effect. |
Passive | Regenerate your Health when out of combat |
- Renown: Hybrid - Renown is balanced across activities. (non-Dominion/Breach gamemodes only)
- Revenge Mode - Boosts Damage and Health. All Attacks are Uninterruptible. Parry and Throws knock enemies down. Attacks are Auto-Parried on activation.
- Dodge: Superior Block - Dodge in the direction of an incoming Attack just before impact to Superior Block it, interrupting it. A successful Superior Block grants a Hero access to guaranteed follow-ups.
Hero Specific[]
- Superior Block Light Attacks - Light Attacks have Superior Block property during the Startup. If the Superior Block successfully blocks an attack, the attack will become a Crushing Counterstrike (becomes unblockable and deal increased damage). Use it to counterattack.
- Shoulder Pin - If Valkyrie successfully blocks an incoming attack with her Superior Dodge Block, she can input a Heavy Attack to perform a Shoulder Pin which pins the target, deals damage together with inflicting bleed.
- Dodge Attack after Superior Block - Valkyrie can still perform her Dodge Attacks (Pouncing Thrust and Hunter's Strike) even when she successfully blocks an attack with her Superior Block dodge. However, they will not receive any special properties.
- Stacking Bleed - Bleed damage dealt by Valkyrie can stack.
- Shield Tackle - Shield Tackle can be accessed during a Front Dodge with MMB (PC), X (XB1), ■ (PS4). Letting go of the input has Valkyrie perform a Bash.
- Shield Crush - Shield Tackle can be accessed by pressing MMB (PC), X (XB1), ■ (PS4) during the start-up of a Heavy attack or after the first strike of the Zone Attack.
- Full Block Stance on Shield Tackle - Holding Shield Tackle will have Valkyrie perform a Full Block stance. Entering the Stance does not cost Stamina as Stamina regenerates as normal. Stamina regeneration pauses briefly upon blocking an attack.
- Shield Tackle Cancel - Cancel Shield Tackle with B (XB1), E (PC) or O (PS4) before the tackle. Cannot cancel during the tackle charge.
- Shield Tackle Follow-ups - Shield Tackle counts as an Opener and can be followed-up with a Chain Light to perform Shield Tackle Strike or into a Chain Heavy. Shield Tackle Strike is guaranteed and leads into Finishers.
- Zone Attack - Zone Attack can be cancelled with B (XB1), E (PC) or O (PS4) after the first swing.
- Spear Sweep Surprise - Press MMB (PC), X (XB1), ■ (PS4) instead of a Chain Finisher or after throwing an enemy to perform a Spear Sweep. If Spear Sweep successfully lands, the enemy will be knocked down.
- Spear Sweep Punish - Heavy Attack immediately after a successful Spear Sweep to perform a Spear Sweep Punish. Spear Sweep Punish is guaranteed.
- Chain Openers - Shield Tackle, Shoulder Pin, Hunter's Rush, Pouncing Thrust, and Hunter's Strike count as Chain Openers.
- Enhanced Dodge Lights - Pouncing Thrust and Hunter's Strike are not interrupted on Block, but are still interrupted on Superior Block.
- Side Light Attack Finishers - Successful Side Light Finishers will knock opponents away from the side the attack came from.
(From Guard Mode)
*Star weapon
Armor Styles | Weapon Styles | |
| ||
| ||
Heroes | |
Knights | Warden - Conqueror - Peacekeeper - Lawbringer -Centurion Gladiator - Black Prior - Warmonger - Gryphon |
Samurai | Kensei - Shugoki - Orochi - Nobushi - Shinobi Aramusha - Hitokiri - Kyoshin - Sohei |
Vikings | Raider - Warlord - Berserker - Valkyrie - Highlander Shaman - Jormungandr - Varangian Guard |
Wu Lin | Tiandi - Jiang Jun - Nuxia - Shaolin - Zhanhu |
Outlanders | Pirate - Medjay - Afeera - Ocelotl |