This is a listing of known events in the For Honor universe.
10th Century to 11th Century[]
Unknown Years[]
1000-1100 A.D.[]
1000-1199 A.D.[]
- The hundreds years of war.
- China's hundreds years of civil war.
500 Years Ago[]
Apollyon's Seven Years of bloody wars of For Honor[]
Knights Chapter: Virtues[]
Warlords and Cowards[]
- A Warden from the west is hired to defend a Warlord and his besieged castle.
And Stay Out[]
- The Warden is sent to help the Iron Legion push the attacking Vikings out of Harrowgate Sanctuary.
The Blackstone Legion[]
- The Warden must clear out the remaining Vikings in Ashfeld.
Valkenheim In Winter[]
- Holden Cross, Apollyon's second in command, leads the charge to open the gate to Valkenheim.
- Mercy, A member of the secretive Peacekeepers, is tasked with clearing the army's way through a Viking outpost.
Wolves Among Sheep[]
- The Warden leads the siege of the Viking Fort at Svengard.
Vikings Chapter: Kinship[]
Raiding the Raiders[]
- A Raider comes down from the mountains, joins the Warborn clan, and attacks the village stronghold of the Warlord Ragnar.
Viking Diplomacy[]
- The Raider fights to free enslaved Warborn from the deadly warlord Siv.
Wood, Iron, and Steel[]
- Stigandr, the last Warborn Jarl, leads the assault to clear the Knights from the Viking's shipyards.
Up The Beach[]
- The Raider leads the Warborn across the sea, launching the Great Raid against the Samurai.
- Runa, an impetuous Warborn Valkyrie, must fight her way through the Myre in search of Samurai maps.
The Great Raid[]
- The Raider brings the Great Raid to the Samurai's Imperial City.
Samurai Chapter: Duty[]
- An Orochi, freed from prison, must push back against the Vikings who are sacking the Imperial City.
Thinning the Herd[]
- Ayu, one of the five Warlords to have passed Apollyon's test, is left alone in the Myre to hunt down her enemies.
Picking Up the Pieces[]
- Reunited with Ayu, the Orochi must rid the Myre of the last of the marauding Vikings.
- To defeat the Warlord Seijuro, the Orochi must sneak into the Imperial Palace.
- The Orochi and Momiji scout Ashfeld for the coming assault on the Blackstone Fortress.
- The Orochi leads the charge into the Blackstone Fortress as Apollyon makes her final stand.
- Some time after the siege of The Blackstone Fortress, in a secret hideout in Harrowgate where Ayu, Stigandr and Holden Cross have met up. Discussing Peace.
Year 1: Year of the Faction War[]
February 13[]
- Season 1: Pride and Conquest
May 16[]
- Season 2: Shadow and Might
August 15[]
- Season 3: Grudge and Glory
November 14[]
- Season 4: Order and Havoc
Year 2: Year of the Apollyon's Legacy[]
February 15[]
- Season 1: Age of Wolves
May 18[]
- Season 2: Hero's March
July 26[]
- Season 3: Storm and Fury
October 16[]
- Season 4: Marching Fire - When the Cataclysm hit, China was not prepared for the civil war that would break out. Even when a ruler was established under a prestigious dynasty, kingdoms would fall from unrest and rebellions. As a result of all this conflict and misery, a number of warriors have chosen to venture West, finding themselves in Heathmoore. Whether or not they will find peace or a resolution in this new land is left up to question, but they have chosen to join the faction war as the foreign fourth group of miscellaneous warriors who's faction is called Wu Lin.
December 21th to January 10th[]
- For the Creed - "The Animus is corrupted! You have been thrust into a temporal glitch that causes Ezio and Cesare Bogia to appear where they shouldn't. It's Assassin's vs Templars. Capture the main lane to call out the enemy commander. Defeat him to score points and fix the Animus synchronization error." Assassins and Templars join the fray midway through For Honor's Marching Fire update as a part of a collaborative event with Ubisoft's other titanic game series, Assassin's Creed. Within the Animus, there is a new limited-time, in-game event: Assassini E Templari. A fight between Assassins and Templars unfolds in the middle lane. Capture the lane to draw out the opposing side's commander and defeat them to win points. Take note though, Abstergo's offer is not permanent, as For the Creed will only run from December 21 until January 10th of next year.
Year 3: Year of the Harbinger[]
January 31[]
- Season 1: Vortiger - Mt. Ignis’ eruption sent shockwaves through the lands. From out of this chaos rises a dark sect long forgotten. The Black Priors were once dark warriors of Apollyon and the Blackstone Legion. After the collapse of the Blackstone, the Black Priors disappeared. Some say they were wiped out, others say they fled the lands. But now, as new chaos shakes the lands, the Black Priors re-emerge. Led by their grim leader, Vortiger, these warriors, unbound by chivalry, promise victory to the Knights... by any means necessary.
May 2[]
- Season 2: Sakura - A series of chilling incidents has plagued the Myre, and many believe they all began with Sakura, an infamous Hitokiri. Years ago, the Samurai executioner was tasked to sentence a peasant fisherman who had committed an odious crime. As Sakura raised her axe to deliver justice, she fell into a trance and slaughtered every living soul in the village. Many years have passed, and yet Kaidan is still rumored to be haunted by Sakura's victims. Some unfortunate warriors recently fought in the abandoned village, but only a few lived to tell the tale. They have seen things most people would not believe…
August 1[]
- Season 3: Hulda - The darkest cults always creep back to the surface in times of despair and self-doubt. As the Knights marched on Valkenheim and conquered most of the North, the Vikings began to lose hope and turned to the Jormungandr for help. The Viking sectarians began to spread their ominous beliefs and crushed the weak in the name of their god, the Great Serpent. The legendary Hulda rose as a new leader among the Northerners and fought the bloodiest battles in Viking history to reclaim Valkenheim.
November 7[]
- Season 4: Sun Da - After a massive sandstorm wrecked most of the Wu Lin territories, many fled west and sought refuge in Heathmoor, while others stayed behind with the Emperor to rebuild an army. Among them, Sun Da, leader of the Zhanhu, found new ways to use fire in his laboratory at Qiang Pass. As he tried to increase the Wu Lin arsenal, an unexpected enemy got wind of his discoveries and attacked the fortress...
Year 4: Year of Reckoning[]
February 6[]
- Season 1: Hope - The leaders of Heathmoor signed a truce in a sacred meadow named Wyverndale. According to many tales and songs, Wyverndale was once a mythical city guarded by dragons that was destroyed during the cataclysm. All that remains now is a small, neutral clearing hidden in a luxuriant forest.
June 11[]
- Season 2: Tyranny - Rejecting the peace offered by the leaders, the cult known as the Order of Horkos has risen as a secret society in Heathmoor. It was created by a group of mysterious warriors who rallied the former Blackstones to their cause. With spies and covert allies across all factions, it has gained more and more influence over the past years. Its members believe they have been chosen by a deity, named Horkos, to weed out all impostors and hypocrites. Drawing some of their powers from alchemy, they are determined to become the leaders of a new world.
September 17[]
- Season 3: Resistance - As more people struggled with the Corruption, rebellious warriors sought the spiritual guidance of the Sylvans to survive and heal themselves. Wearing large antlers and wooden masks, Sylvans were revered in all parts of Heathmoor as the spirits of nature's vengeance. According to various sources, their first appearance predated the first cataclysm. Their knowledge of botany, herbalism, and blacksmithing was unrivaled.
December 10[]
- Season 4: Mayhem - Pure Draconite has been used not only to fight the Corruption, but also to make technological advances. As warriors everywhere gather their strength for the first battle between Horkos and Chimera, blacksmiths and makers across Heathmoor are inventing Avant-Garde weaponry and mechanical devices to levels that were never seen before.
Year 5: Year of the Covenants[]
March 11[]
- Season 1: Asunder - The Horkos vs. Chimera rivalry has grown in ferocity and tensions rise as we enter a new year. It only takes a spark to start a rebellion...but what will it take to end it? After the Battle of the Eclipse, the Chimera Alliance and Order of Horkos fought relentlessly for years. As Heathmoor's population declined, people everywhere began to make 'Covenants', secret pacts to share intel and resources, with either Horkos or Chimera warriors. Covenants could be used to gain allies outside their faction, while rooting out the evil among their own. Sealing a Covenant was also a symbolic way to make a statement about the future. Would someone embrace the warmongering views of the Horkos, following strict codes and rituals to keep the strongest in their rightful place? Or would they rather fight for Chimera's ideals of solidarity and peace?
June 10,[]
- Season 2: Mirage - Warriors everywhere sealed new alliances through the Covenants, but another great enemy was about to challenge their renewed vigor. This new threat was not just another clan or army trying to reap more territories. After centuries of being spoiled and exhausted by humanity's thirst for power, Mother Nature herself was about to show the true extent of her burning wrath. An intense drought befell Heathmoor, endangering crops and fortifications everywhere. While the Horkos saw the calamity as another opportunity to prove their might, the Chimera struggled to maintain solidarity among their ranks, with less resources to share between themselves. Even then, the scorching heat toys with the minds of the most ferocious warriors, bringing forth new demons and nightmares. Who will be their salvation?
September 9[]
- Season 3: Tempest - After the scorching drought came the rain. Rising water levels, torrential rains and cyclonic winds had overtaken Heathmoor. Amid catastrophic flooding, Horkos and Chimera both struggled to survive. As safe land became a rare commodity, the animosity between warriors only intensified. And none were more rejuvenated than the Vikings, who believed that the gods had answered their prayers... Under a scorching sun, the factions of Heathmoor long fought for water. But what was once scarce then came in overwhelming abundance. The unbearable heat of the drought melted the glaciers of Valkenheim and as a result, the water levels rose dangerously. Torrential rains and violent winds fell upon Heathmoor, with no end to the storm in sight. The tempest had a devastating effect on the landscape, with flooding and landslides becoming the new norm, and both Horkos and Chimera fought to survive the sudden climate change. With the home they once knew overrun with water, warriors found themselves out of their element. All except the Vikings, for whom the storm had brought about rebirth… and an opportunity to reign supreme.
December 9[]
- Season 4: Frozen Shores - The people of Heathmoor were afflicted with rising waters and a devastating storm that flooded the landscape. Thankfully, the storm passed, and though the skies began to clear, a cold winter settled in. The high waters froze, and snow covered the terrain. Ships were stuck in the ice, which only added to the odd serenity that had befallen Heathmoor. After so many hardships, so many battles and natural catastrophes, the people took this small respite as an opportunity to reconnect. After being separated for so long, friends and families were reunited once again, and everyone took the time to count their blessings, and celebrate. But amid the festivities, something unforeseen came from the frozen sea. A large ship with red sails reached the harbor, the herald of uncertainty - an intrigue.
Year 6: Year of the Lost Horizons[]
March 17[]
- Season 1: Golden Age - A brave Warden seals a blood pact to end all wars. The hero and the untamable beast bring forth a golden age to Heathmoor in the start of a gripping new year of For Honor.
April 28th to May 19th[]
- For the Creed - During the first season of the Lost Horizon year, Abstergo Industries has brought back its Animus collaboration from April 28th to May 19th, 2022. Together with the return of the Assassini e Templari event gamemode, Event Rewards both new and old come to Heathmoor.
June 16[]
- Season 2: Curse of the Scarab - In the wake of the Great Cataclysm, a terrible curse descends over Heathmoor thanks to the unwitting actions of the Raider, Bolthorn. Who will save the people from this terrible fate?
September 15[]
- Season 3: The Demon Dagger - Something has awakened in the Myre. A deadly web has been woven and there is no escape... Only fools don't fear the dark.
December 15[]
- Season 4: Shattered Fates - The Black Priors are tasked with finding the Celestial Sphere and stealing its forbidden prophecies. Armed with this knowledge, they hope to conquer Heathmoor—and will spare none who know its secrets.
Year 7: Year of the Swords of Injustice[]
March 16[]
- Season 1: Heresy - When the Servants of the Stake began to attack, the Inquisition was formed to eradicate these twisted Fanatics and destroy the relics. Warriors were chosen to become Inquisitors, and new weapons and armors were forged for them and their followers to wield in battle. With these items, the Inquisition’s will can be enforced, by any means necessary. The blood of the Fanatics will spill, and the might of the one true Horkos will rule above all.
June 16[]
- Season 2: Vengeance - Sent across the sea to explore the New World, Conquistador Vela has returned to Heathmoor with the stolen riches of a fallen civilization.
July August September[]
- Season 3: Deceit - The Wu Lin's Ghost Rites begins, and an odd sickness starts to take hold of the Warriors that took the offerings.
October November December[]
- Season 4: Treason - When faced with the tyranny of the Horkos, one Viking village found itself at a cross between its Chimera-bound chief and the survivalist Highlander Maddox... Exploiting the injustice sweeping Heathmoor, the Order of Horkos attacked Valkenheim. They soon laid siege to the village of Moldar. The small Viking town had no hope against the might of the enemy host, and so the Horkos gave them one choice: submit or die. The leaders of Moldar came to blows over the decision. The village chieftain refused to break their oath to the Chimera Alliance, while his brother, the Highlander Maddox, argued they must join the enemy to survive. When the dread hour came, Maddox stabbed his leader in the back to ally with the Horkos. It was treason. Heathmoor’s ultimate crime.
Year 8: Forged in War[]
March 14[]
- Season 1: The Sword of Ashfeld -
June 13[]
- Season 2: The Muramasa Blade -
- Season 3: The Shield Of Svengard -
- Season 4: The Serpent Sword -
Year 9: Theaters of War[]
- In the Journals of Heathmoor, recounting the event known as the Black Prior's Riposte, the datation is given as "CMXV-AL".[3] This might be the in-universe datation system, but if so, it is unclear when it is counting from and what "AL" means.
- "AL" could possibly stand for "Anno Lucis," a calendar used in Freemasonry. Judging by the date, CMXV is a valid Roman numeral, translating to 915 in Arabic numerals. In the Anno Lucis calendar, which adds 4000 years to the Gregorian calendar, the corresponding date would be 4915.
- In the Wrath of the Jormungandr, the blurb for the event mentions "the 61st of Antumbra", implying that Antumbra may be an in-universe month or season.
- In celestial astronomy mechanics, the antumbra is the region of a shadow that extends beyond the umbra. An observer in the antumbra sees the outer edge of the eclipsing body as a ring around the source of light. This is commonly associated with annular eclipses, where the Sun appears as a bright ring around the Moon, 61 Antumbra would occur over approximately 152.5 years, which would mean the Vikings came to Heathmoor from their homeland, settling the Valkenheim during 10th or 9th century.