“In the midst of war, I breath fire.”
Sun Da is a Zhanhu whose ambition to become the greatest warrior led him to dabble in alchemy. He serves under Gao Lei, one of the leading Emperors of the Wu Lin.
Sun Da was an ambitious warrior who served his father, a proud ruler in China. The curious warrior always sought new ways to gain advantage in battle. His father and younger brothers all scoffed at the boy’s dabblings, but Sun Da persisted. He learned to harness fire and gunpowder to confuse and disorient. In battle, he carried an aura of ‘magic.’
When the warlord Gao Lei invaded their lands, Sun Da’s father counselled patience. Sun Da ignored him and breached the attacking army one night with his warriors. When he reached the heart of the enemy forces, Sun Da unleashed a devastating fire that engulfed them all.
But still, Sun Da was captured and brought before Gao Lei. His father was condemned to the Chinese tradition of familial execution…every member of his family was to die. But Sun Da was given a choice. Join his father in noble death or join Gao Lei as his second.
Sun Da knelt before his father and gutted the weak man. He died painfully, denied an honorable death. With death in his eyes, Sun Da brought his blade down on every member of his family, all his younger brothers, ensuring no one would ever cross him again.
Years later, Gao Lei’s army grew into the Wu Lin with Sun Da as his faithful second, his Zhanhu. Whispers followed the Zhanhu wherever he traveled. Renowned for his prowess with the chang dao blade, it was said he used sorcery and black magic to control the elements. It was said the Zhanhu conjured fire to destroy those who challenged him on the battlefield.
He is known to have a healthy rivalry between him and his female counterpart, Fu Huo.
Today, under the Wu Lin banner, Sun Da is a dark force who travels west as Gao Lei’s fist, carrying terror and dread into battle.