For Honor Wiki

Stone is a character that appears in For Honor's Singleplayer Campaign.



A master Conqueror and member of the Iron Legion, Stone commanded the defenses at Harrowgate, which was under siege from the Vikings. Holden Cross ordered The Warden to assist. Despite initially being shocked and disbelieving that the "reinforcements" from the Blackstone Legion was limited to only The Warden, Stone accepts their assistance nonetheless and they succeed in repelling the Vikings. However, the city's defenses were permanently crippled, and Stone and his knights pledge themselves to the Blackstone Legion.

A New Legion[]

After joining Blackstone Legion, Stone would work side by side with The Warden to help repel the Vikings from Ashfeld. Their first duty was to retake the outpost in the Ashfeld Moor. In the process, they came across numerous Iron Legion deserters. Stone becomes particularly confrontational with the deserters' conqueror. Negotiations break down and the two of them are forced to fight for their lives. While they are initially successful from holding off the attackers, the duo becomes overwhelmed and Stone is injured by an arrow. Fortunately, Blackstone reinforcements arrived and Stone is treated for his injury, with Apollyon personally dispatched many of the deserters herself.

He takes part in the attack on Svengård, burning down the store house. After the battle is won, he watches as Apollyon elaborates her plans to Holden Cross.


Later on, Stone rebels against the Blackstone Legion, being recruited to join the New Iron Legion from The Warden, alongside Mercy and Holden Cross.


Like all Conquerors, Stone is a former criminal pressed into service, rising the ranks thanks to his prowess with a shield and flail. Even The Warden would acknowledge his skill, saying, "Stone was a Conqueror, the best I'd ever seen." His skill would earn him the position as head of the defenses of Harrowgate. Stone is not above insulting his enemies and is often making snide remarks about his opponents. Still, the values instilled into him by the Iron Legion remained and The Warden would often consult him in personal matters, especially when it came to doubts about the Blackstone Legion.


  • In Arcade Mode, Stone can appear as an enemy.