For Honor Wiki

The She-Wolf gear style is one of the seven epic weapon styles for the Shaman hero in For Honor.

Shaman Gear Visuals
Shaman Armor Visuals
Common Necromantian Haruspex Tapetum Lucidum
Rare Tooth & Claw Diviners Tundra Warrior Hallfrid
Heroic Enthralling Madness & Fury Osteomancy Nightfox Yngvild
Epic Talisman Ossifrage Void Ritual
Forest Mystic
Legendary Scathach Pathfinder Wildcat Waschbar Fridgerd
Event Preying Devotion
Shaman Weapon Visuals
Common Braided - Runic - Ancient Bone - Frost Hunter - Carved Bone - Belted
Rare Bound Beast - Dragon Blood - Painted - Farseeing - Myrkwood - Reginn's Fury - Loki's Ploy - Defiant Carpenter
Heroic Loki's Fortune - Fascinatrix - Sacred Flame - Stone-born - Ill Tidings - Y Ddraig Aur - Whispering Crow*
Epic Thor's Might - Halls of Curnunnos - Forgotten Lore - Krabbi - Lyngbakr - Ugla - Azoth Beast - She-Wolf* - Rhiannon's Flight* - Erymanthian*
Legendary Callisto's Fury - Scrying Skull - Dawn Prayers - Chillfrost Wolf - Bone Chant - Helskull - Neamhain - Askafroa - Hafgufa - Aisling - Life Eternal - Voice of the Void* - Wyrm* - Woodborn* - Otherworld* - Faering* - Steel Runs Red* - Torden* - Woodborn*
Event Winterborn - Bone Reign - Beltane Wildfire - Wolven Reaver - Sjovaettir - Grabak - Hamingja - Hrimfaxi - Khara - Belligerent Fiend - Hungry Squash - Chimera Saett - Spiky Snowflake
Premium Wyverndale Ghost - Aphelion of Horkos - Sylvan's Sanctity - Avant-Garde Yfirmadr - Fabled Forn - Cursed Gothahus

*Star Weapon
