"Do you hear them? They are always whispering, just out of reach. But when the red spills, she can hear them louder. They shout excitedly when bones break. Do you hear them now? They scream of war; they scream the name of those next to die. She will use her hatchet and dagger to cut bodies down, and then she will use her hands. They are louder now, the voices overwhelming. They won't stop. They won't stop until all lie dead."
Shaman are a playable hero in For Honor.
The Shaman's solitary existence has made her insane but don't let her erratic behaviour fool you! She is one of the deadliest warriors alive and she will feast on your bones.
The Shaman lives a solitary life in the forests scattered around Valkenheim. This isolation has left her little to no civility and she appears to be utterly savage. She sees omens and communes with the gods, practicing rituals that only she knows. The squabbles of Factions do not concern her, but the blood and bones sing her name. And as she has read the entrails of a Knight scout, she knows her fate is tied to the war in the south. Her hatchet and dagger are thirsty. Once she enters the battle, her blood-rage will ensure that none will be left alive.
The Shaman wears very little armor, only a leather tunic and pants with a sash wrapped around her waist. Skulls of humans and animals decorate her clothes with severed human fingers hanging from her belt along with rope, a hook, and gut-hook knife. A dagger is sheathed behind her back along with a pouch and a bear trap. She wears a metal head band on her head as her hair is exotically shaven and tied up.
Hatchet and Dagger - The hatchet has long been a Viking weapon but pairing it with a speedy dagger makes the Shaman extremely unpredictable and savage.
- Before Marching Fire, the Shaman alongside the Highlander were the only heroes in For Honor to not have some kind of headgear or mask that obscures their face.
- Together with the Shinobi, the Shaman has a unique stance when at a ledge, hunched over in a half-crouch as she looks off the ledge.
- Shaman is one of two Heroes who has the ability to heal themselves without the aid of Feats or Boosts, as she is healed whenever she hits a Bleeding target or lands Predator's Mercy on them. The other Hero is Shugoki.
- The Shaman is one of two Heroes (the other being the Lawbringer) who has an execution that can have its animation cancelled midway, manually by the Player. This is because these animations have early execution confirmation points, and are segmented into two parts, the second part being after the execution point and is interruptible by the Player. The following is the execution with this quality:
- Timber!
- This execution acts like a medium length execution with the healing benefit of a long execution; medium length executions are between 4 to 5 seconds long and heal for 35 health, whereas executions longer than 5 seconds are counted as "long" and heal for 50 health.
- Calming the Voices used to be cancellable, but became uncancellable at the start of Year 4 Season 2.
- Timber!
- The execution "Alfablot" references Álfablót, also known as the Elven Sacrifice, a pagan celebration and a sacrifice to the Elves performed at the end of autumn, after crops were harvested and livestock were most well-off.
- The dagger used by Shaman may be influenced by Iron Age daggers with forward-curving blades used historically in other European cultures, such as the Greek Kopis or the Falcata of pre-Roman Iberia. Such daggers are said to have some kind of origin in ritual practices and animal sacrifices.
- There has been an image floating around online of what appears to be Shaman's dagger in a Pictish leather scabbard, thus giving rise to the claim that Shaman's dagger was a historically accurate weapon that belonged to the Picts, a confederation of people who once occupied Northern/Eastern Scotland. However, further research yielded that the image originates from a product made by Pictavia Leather that makes leather scabbards and other leatherwork; the crafter's website itself calls the dagger that uses the scabbard a kukri, the name for a machete that originates from India.
- Icelandic: "Hægur dauðdagi!" - English: "A slow death!"
- Predator's Hunger or Backing Out Execution
- Icelandic: "Andar vísi veginn!" - English: "Spirits guide me!"
- Zone attack
- Icelandic: "Bölvuð sé ætt þín!" - English: "Curse your kin!"
- Predator's Mercy
- Icelandic: "Éttu skít!" - English: "Eat shit!"
- Wild Cat's Rage
Fighting Style[]
Shamans fight like wildcats on the battlefield. They use dagger and hatchet to stab and slash relentlessly, overwhelming their opponents. When they smell blood, they will hunt their prey and remorselessly deliver the deathblow.
- Difficulty: Medium
- Predatory combatant
- Fast attacker
Special Capabilities[]
- Fast chain and dodge attacks let her strike at will
- Short range stabs inflict Bleed
- Becomes more deadly when the opponent is Bleeding
Available Perks for the Shaman can be viewed on the Perks page.
Tier | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
1 | Rush
Trigger to gain movement speed for a short duration |
Passive | Hide yourself from the HUD, Radar & Aim Assist |
Stun Trap
Trap that stuns enemies. |
2 | Bear Trap
Medium damage trap that stops victims in their tracks. |
Executioner's Respite
Passive | The base healing of Executions are increased by 50%. |
Flesh Wound
Passive | Gain moderate Damage reduction. |
3 | Fury
Raise speed, attack and defense stats for a short duration. |
Second Wind
Recover some of your health. |
Hand Axe
Throw an axe that deals medium bleed damage. |
4 | Fire Flask
Throw a projectile creating a fire area of effect. |
Nail Bomb
A trap dealing Bleed Damage in an area of effect |
Scout All enemies are marked for death and show up on radar. |
- Renown: Assassin - Earn more Renown in 1vX fights, by killing enemy Heroes, and getting killing streaks to unlock your feats in a match. (non-Dominion/Breach gamemodes only)
- Revenge Mode - Boosts Damage and Health. All Attacks are Uninterruptable. Parry and Throws knock enemies down. Attacks are Auto-Parried on activation.
- Dodge: Deflect - Dodge in the direction of an incoming Attack just before impact to Deflect it. A deflect does not interrupt the incoming attack, but in trade grants a Hero access to unique follow-ups.
Hero Specific[]
- Raven's Bleeding - Raven's Claw, Raven's Bile and Raven's Beak deal minor direct damage but apply Bleed.
- Deflect Attack - After a Deflect, Shaman can perform an Unblockable Bleeding Attack in the form of Raven's Beak.
- Bleeding Recovery Cancel - Raven's Claw, Raven's Bile and Raven's Beak can have their Recovery cancelled with a Dodge.
- Blood Trance - While the opponent is Bleeding, Shaman enters a Blood Trance. Blood Trance lets the Shaman heal health on every damaging strike against the bleeding target.
- Predator's Mercy - In Blood Trance, Predator's Mercy replaces Predator's Hunger. Predator's Mercy uses the same controls as Predator's Hunger, but now a successful attack will pin the opponent to deal 35 damage, along with healing 15 health and restoring full stamina for Shaman.
- Predator's Mercy: Blood Offering - Once Shaman pins the target during Predator's Mercy, the bleed on the opponent will be removed, regardless of how much was left. Because the bleed is removed, Shaman effectively leaves Blood Trance for the target. Also take note that there is a brief window between the removal of the bleeding and the damage/heal/stamina restore, allowing opponents to intervene before the latter effects are applied.
- Special Knock Downs - Although the target of Predator's Mercy will be on the ground for the duration of the pin, they won't be counted as being on the floor for moves such as Centurion's Eagle's Talon and Jormungandr's Hamarr Slam.
- Predator's Mercy: Second Chance - A missed Predator's Mercy can be linked directly into Wild Cat's Rage by pressing RT (XB1), RMB (PC) and R2 (PS4) or into another Predator's Mercy by pressing X (XB1), MMB (PC) and ⬜ (PS4).
- Pre-Pounce - For Predator's Hunger/Predator's Mercy and Wild Cat's Rage, holding their respective command, X (XB1), MMB (PC) and ⬜ (PS4) for the former and RT (XB1), RMB (PC) and R2 (PS4) for the latter, will cause Shaman to hold her position in preparation for the pounce, at no cost.
- Pounce Mix Ups - While running towards the target, Predator's Hunger and Predator's Mercy can be cancelled into Wild Cat's Rage with RT (XB1), RMB (PC) and R2 (PS4), and Wild Cat's Rage can be cancelled into Predator's Hunger or Predator's Mercy with X (XB1), MMB (PC) and ⬜ (PS4).
- The Chase - If a target is outside normal leap range when attempting Predator's Hunger/Predator's Mercy or Wild Cat's Rage, Shaman will sprint for up to around a second before initiating the leap.
- Pounce Cancel - While holding for a Pre-Pounce or when sprinting before the leap, Shaman can cancel Predator's Hunger/Predator's Mercy and Wild Cat's Rage with B (XB1), E (PC) and O (PS4).
- Soft Feints - Shaman has access to a number of Soft Feints.
- Guard Break Soft Feint - Heavy Attacks can be cancelled into a Guard Break by pressing X (XB1), MMB (PC) and ⬜ (PS4).
- Dodge Soft Feint - Heavy Finisher can be cancelled with Dodge by pressing A (XB1), Space (PC) and X (PS4).
- Zone Attack Soft Feint - Can be Cancelled with B (XB1), E (PC) and O (PS4) after the second strike. Can also be Soft Feinted with Raven's Bile after the second strike by inputting RB (XB1), LMB (PC) and R1 (PS4).
- Wild Cat Chain Starters - Wild Cat's Rage, Wild Cat's Pounce, and Wild Cat's Swiftness count as Heavy Starters, flowing into the Bile Omen Chain.
- Wild Cat's Wrath - Wild Cat's Rage will strike from the same direction as the guard, unlike the Forward Dash Heavy attacks of other Heroes that default to striking from the Top Guard.
- Mountain Lion's Power - Finish any Chain with a Left Heavy for an Unblockable Attack and slightly increased damage.
- Smooth Combos - Raven's Claw, Raven's Bile and Raven's Beak, along with Predator's Hunger, all feature short recoveries, allowing Shaman to start a new chain immediately.
- Good Blood Omen - The second Light Attack in Blood Omen, if initiated from the same direction after a land opener, is guaranteed but deals less damage.
- Throw Shortcuts - Throws can shortcut to Wild Cat's Rage with RT (XB1), RMB (PC) and R2 (PS4), or into Predator's Hunger/Predator's Mercy with X (XB1), MMB (PC) and ⬜ (PS4).
(From Guard Mode)
*Star weapon
**Rarity unknown
Armor Styles | Weapon Styles | |
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Heroes | |
Knights | Warden - Conqueror - Peacekeeper - Lawbringer -Centurion Gladiator - Black Prior - Warmonger - Gryphon |
Samurai | Kensei - Shugoki - Orochi - Nobushi - Shinobi Aramusha - Hitokiri - Kyoshin - Sohei |
Vikings | Raider - Warlord - Berserker - Valkyrie - Highlander Shaman - Jormungandr - Varangian Guard |
Wu Lin | Tiandi - Jiang Jun - Nuxia - Shaolin - Zhanhu |
Outlanders | Pirate - Medjay - Afeera - Ocelotl |