Ranja (jp: らんじゃ; 藍邪) is a character that appears in For Honor's single player campaign.
After Apollyon's attack on Koto and the Emperor killed, Apollyon captured and collected all Daimyo and asked one by one if they wanted to overtake the throne. All Daimyo showed their respect and honor, rejecting Apollyon's invitation, and were killed, until Seijuro admitted ambitiously that he'd take the throne. Apollyon lets Seijuro take the throne, leaving four more Daimyo, including Ranja. Apollyon decides to have the four Daimyo be dumped in the swamp, left to fend against each other.
Ayu hunts down Ranja in an attempt to prevent a civil war between the Samurai Daimyo. Ayu found her meditating at a stone shrine, surrounded by birds. Before Ayu is able to talk to Ranja, the latter is provoked, believing Ayu is in the wrong for "challenging her authority."
After a fierce battle, Ranja was slain by Ayu.
Arcade Quest[]
Ranja also had a daughter named Furi. After Ranja's death, Furi joined Samurai rebels intent on climbing the ranks and succeeding where her mother failed.
Ranja is described as a pious yet ambitious woman. Believing herself to be the rightful and chosen to be the new Empress, she berated Ayu for challenging her authority.
Its possible that like many religious egotists, she believes herself to be chosen and 'more' than others, and this instigated to crimes that ended in her banishment.
- Ranja appears as a fightable enemy in Arcade Mode.
- However, her portrait on the VS screen shows Dokuja rather than herself.
- Her helmet has a resemblance to the helmet that Hideyoshi Toyotomi (豊臣秀吉; toyotomi hideyoshi) wore. Hideyoshi was, in real life, one of the 3 great unifiers of Japan who served under Nobunaga Oda (織田信長; oda nobunaga) before he died.