"We samurai are outnumbered. Each of our warriors must be the match of ten of our enemies. Each Orochi is a match for a hundred. Swift, strong, truest masters of the katana, they move like shadows with lore taken from the ninja clans. Their armor; a perfect balance of flexibility and strength. Orochi: they are the finest warriors the world has ever known."
For the single player campaign character, see: The Orochi
Orochi are a playable hero in For Honor.
The Imperial assassins of the Samurai. They roam the battlefield like ghosts, terrorizing and slaughtering those unfortunate enough to cross their path. Lightly armored and trained in the arts of stealth and deception, the Orochi dispatches enemies with a katana. Usually loyal beyond reproach, the Orochi holds the darker samurai secrets of dealing death in myriad ways, from throwing deadly knives to using a poisoned blade.
A perfect balance between flexibility and strength, the default armor is composed of laqured wood that cover most of the body with worn leather and cloth underneath. They wear a traditional kabuto, though it lacks any sort of tehen kanamono or decorative crest. Their dull gray mempo is simplistic and covers their mouth and nose, with dashes of tan paint that gives the image of sharp teeth.
Katana - The katana is the archetypal single-edge curved sword of the samurai of the Dawn Empire. They are made of laminated steel of the highest quality and are often honored as family heirlooms that warriors pass down to their firstborn.Trivia[]
- During early versions of the game, prior to its release, the Orochi was known as the Oni. Along with their name, details of their armor have been changed, most noticeably the lack of the panel of plate armor that hung over the back of the Oni's left shoulder.
- This plate was reintroduced with a new gear look added in the Marching Fire update, meant to be a tribute to the pre-release appearance.
- The default armor the Orochi wears is identical to Tosei dou gusoku: Samurai plate armor.
- Though the Orochi's armor is made of wood, historical Samurai never wore wood armor. All accounts of Japanese wood armor predated the Samurai, as by the time of the Samurai, they were using lamellar and plate armor.
- The word Orochi (Kanji: 大蛇) means serpent in Japanese, which refers to a mythical eight-headed serpent named Yamata no Orochi.
- As fast, agile warriors with the ability to use weapons like the kunai and smoke bomb, the Orochi effectively assumes the role traditionally associated with the ninja in games and pop culture.
- This is referenced in the Orochi intro trailer, which states how their existence was influenced by the mythical ninja clans.
- With the introduction of the Shinobi, the Orochi assumes the more aggressive face of the ninja fantasy, whereas the Shinobi is the more stealthy counterpart.
- Orochi is currently the only assassin Hero who uses a single weapon; all other assassin Heroes either dual wield weapons (two axes for Berserker, two kusarigama for Shinobi, two hook swords for Nuxia) or have a primary weapon with a secondary in the off-hand (sword and dagger for Peacekeeper, trident and buckler for Gladiator, hatchet and dagger for Shaman).
- When putting up a guard, Orochi utilizes the "jōdan-no-kamae" (上段の構え; lit. "upper posture stance") for their top guard while using the "hassō-no-kamae" (八相の構え; lit. "eight aspect stance") for their side guards.
- "Tsubame Gaeshi" is reference to the infamous technique of master swordsman Kojirō Sasaki.
- Tsubame Gaeshi roughly means 'Swallow Reversal' or 'Turning Swallow Strike', referencing its fame for being able to cut a swallow mid-flight.
- Modern depictions of the technique involve a downward strike, quickly followed by an upwards one. Orochi performs a technique akin to this during his Top Light combo.
- In pop culture depictions of the technique, the user swiftly strikes twice before a decisive third strike to create a triangular cage that is indefensible and inescapable. Although including one more strike, the Orochi performs the execution akin to this description of the technique.
- It is odd that this particular execution was given to the Orochi and not the Kensei, as Kojirō Sasaki was a wielder of the nodachi and the technique was founded with the use of the nodachi.
- "Toro! Toro!" refers to the bullfighting contest, where the term is commonly depicted in pop culture as the term bullfighters use to taunt the bull they face. As seen in the execution, Orochi plays "bull" with their execution victim.
- "Toro" in Spanish means "bull."
- "Senbazuru" references "the Thousand Folded Cranes" (千羽鶴; senbadzuru; lit. "a thousand cranes"), a myth where folding a thousand origami cranes will grant a wish from the gods.
- The actual move seen in the execution is a reference to the single-stroke battle trope.
- "Rokka no Shi" in the Japanese localization is "六花の死" which translates as "Death of the Six-Petal Flowers." In Japanese poetry, "Six-Petal Flower" (六花; rokka) can refer to snow (because a snow crystal is six-sided). As a result, the name can actually be read as "Death by Snow," which coincides with how the Execution was released during the winter.
- This execution features the popular delayed casualty trope.
- The execution "Tobasu" literally translates to "to let fly" (飛ばす; tobasu).
- "Senkei" may be a reference to "殲景" (lit. "slaughter scape" or "annihilation scape"). The name comes from a technique used by a character, Byakuya Kuchiki, in the action anime Bleach.
- Alternatively, there is another term in Japanese that is pronounced as 'senkei': 線形 (lit. "linear"). This may be an allusion to the one-cut nature of the execution.
- In the Japanese localization, the term is transcribed as "殲滅" (lit. "Obliteration" or "ruination").
- "Ken no Sen" (懸の先) translates to "Tip of tension."
- The name of this execution is in reference to a technique from Miyamoto Musashi's Book of Five Rings, being the first of the Three Sen Techniques, where you hold a stance before you strike the opponent swiftly.
- Japanese: 逃がしませぬ (Nigashimasenu) - English: "I will not let you escape!"
- Female Orochi, Riptide Strike
- Japanese: 尋常に勝負 (Jinjou ni shoubu) - English: "Let's have an honourable showdown!"
- Male Orochi, Riptide Strike
- Japanese: 死ね (Shine) - English: "Die!"
- Wind Gust or Hurricane Blast
- Japanese: さぁ、参る (Saa, mairu) - English: "Now, here I come!"
- Male Orochi, Rokka no Shi Execution
- Japanese: 時間を無駄にし過ぎた (Jikan o muda ni shisugita) - English: "I've wasted too much time (on you)!"
- Shiryo Avenger Execution
Fighting Style[]
Orochi are very agile katana-wielding samurai who has an arsenal of dodge attacks at their disposal. They offer a good mix of harassment and counter-attack abilities but require skill and timing to have an effective defense.
- Difficulty: Hard
- Assassin Fighting Style
- Counter-Attacker
Special Capabilities[]
- An assortment of Dodge Attacks that makes them evasive
- Can dodge out of the recoveries of attacks to remain relentless
- Deflect that can leads into a swift stab that breaks even through Hyper Armor
Available Perks for the Orochi can be viewed on the Perks page.
Tier | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
1 | Bounty Hunter
Passive | Gain Health & Stamina when you kill another hero |
Drain the stamina of nearby players with a scream |
Iron Lungs
Passive | You can still sprint when out of stamina. |
2 | Smoke Bomb
Throw down a bomb that stuns enemies for a moderate duration of time. |
Quickly throw a weighted dagger that does damage. |
Executioner's Respite
Passive | The base healing of Executions are increased by 50%. |
3 | Long Bow
Fire a long bow for moderate damage. |
Sharpen Blade
Attacks inflict low Damage over time. |
Slip Through
Passive | Dodging raises Attack for a short duration |
4 | Nail Bomb
A trap dealing Bleed Damage in an area of effect |
Fear Itself
Enemies around you have lower defenses |
Arrow Storm
Aerial attack that deals medium damage in multiple areas. |
- Renown: Assassin - Earn more Renown in 1vX fights, by killing enemy Heroes, and getting killing streaks to unlock your feats in a match. (non-Dominion/Breach gamemodes only)
- Revenge Mode - Boosts Damage and Health. All Attacks are Uninterruptable. Parry and Throws knock enemies down. Attacks are Auto-Parried on activation.
- Dodge: Deflect - Dodge in the direction of an incoming Attack just before impact to Deflect it. A deflect does not interrupt the incoming attack, but in trade grants a Hero access to unique follow-ups.
Hero Specific[]
- Gale Deflect - After a Deflect, Orochi can perform Wind Gust with the Light Attack input.
- Pinning Gust - Wind Gust has a special pinning property that allows it to break through Hyper Armor.
- Calm before the Storm - Storm Rush can be held after dodging backwards or forwards. During this time and while running, Orochi can choose which direction to attack from.
- Chasing Storm - While running, Orochi will continue to chase their target until they reach striking distance or a total of 0.6 seconds has passed since they've started.
- Storm Rush Cancel - Storm Rush can be canceled while being held or during the running animation with B (XB1), ◯ (PS4) or E (PC).
- Passing Storm - If Orochi successfully hits the target with Storm Rush, they will be place themselves on the opposite side of the target relative to where the Orochi struck from.
- Light Attack Combo - A successful Opener guarantees a second hit if performed from the same side, although with reduced damage. This includes Dodge Attacks and Wind Gust. Dust Devil and Storm Rush do not lead into a Light Attack Combo, but a Chained Light after a successful Dust Devil is still confirmed.
- Chain Starters - Zone Attack, Crashing Wave, Riptide Strike, Lightning Strike, Zephyr Slash, Wind Gust and Dust Devil all function as Chain Starters for their respective input.
- Storm Rush Chain - While an Opener, Storm Rush only chains into Heavy Finishers.
- Attack Recovery - The Recovery after any Attack can be canceled with a Dodge or Dodge Attack. Dust Devil kick can only have its recovery cancelled if it hits.
- Undodgeable Dodge Attacks - Zephyr Slash and all attacks from Storm Rush are all undodgeable.
- Enhanced Dodge Attacks - Lightning Strike, Zephyr Slash and Riptide Strike are Enhanced, thus do not bounce off a block unless Superior Blocked.
- Evasive Dodge Attack - Riptide Strike has I-frame during its start-up.
(From Guard Mode)
Heroes | |
Knights | Warden - Conqueror - Peacekeeper - Lawbringer -Centurion Gladiator - Black Prior - Warmonger - Gryphon |
Samurai | Kensei - Shugoki - Orochi - Nobushi - Shinobi Aramusha - Hitokiri - Kyoshin - Sohei |
Vikings | Raider - Warlord - Berserker - Valkyrie - Highlander Shaman - Jormungandr - Varangian Guard |
Wu Lin | Tiandi - Jiang Jun - Nuxia - Shaolin - Zhanhu |
Outlanders | Pirate - Medjay - Afeera - Ocelotl |