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"Do you know what it is to mourn an empire? To see your home defiled? You tried to take everything from us! Yet, here we stand! A blood debt will be paid! You will have no victory."

"The Ocelotl will hunt you. Across oceans; across the underworld! You will know our pain! But you will never hear us coming. All you will hear is your own scream!"

The Ocelotl are a playable hero class in For Honor.


"The prey should hear nothing but its own scream.”

With the Cataclysm leaving much of Mesoamerica altered, the Ocelotl came to occupy a tropical jungle while maintaining their historic seat of power in Tenochtitlán. They interpreted the Cataclysm as a mass sacrifice -- a divine condemnation for their wastefulness of energy, which had not properly circulated to the gods with enough blood rites and penance. In answer, the Ocelotl adopted an intensely ascetic way of life so their conserved energy might prevent another Cataclysm.

The exceptions to their austerity were their magnificent cities of gold, meant to pay tribute to the many deities in their pantheon. Although originally having little gold, the Aztec empire seized the wealth of neighboring civilizations that were destroyed. They peacefully traded some surplus with passing merchant ships and pirates -- until the empire was invaded by the Horkos, who decimated the land and people to steal the Aztec treasure. Having learned seafaring from pirates, the Ocelotl now set sail for Heathmoor. They come to exact vengeance.


Terrifying warriors who call upon the power of the animal of their namesake, the Ocelotl is both powerful and covert like a jaguar. They wear a feathered Cuacalalatli helmet and ichcahuīpīlli soft-body armor that take on the look of this fierce animal, together with a quilted neck sash, traditional waist tunic and arm bands. Their outfit overall is decorated with gold, feathers and volcanic glass. War paint are visible on much of this fine warrior's exposed skin.


Ocelotl weapon
Macuahuitl and Tepoztopilli - Dual-wielding a Macuahuitl club and Tepoztopilli spear, the Ocelotl can stalk opponents and strike with overwhelming strength. Lined with prismatic blades of obsidian, these weapons can cause serious lacerations. This allows the club to do more than blunt force and the spear to leave behind more than a piercing wound.

Known Ocelotl[]

  • Mixcoatl
  • TBA


  • The name "Ocelotl" means "Jaguar" in Nahuatl. It also can refer to the Jaguar warriors of the Aztec military.
    • The name "Ocelotl" also refers to a day in the Aztec calendar, as noted here. It is a day for brave warriors, associated with power, valor and recklessness in dire situations. It is also a day associated with the god Tezcatlipoca, the god of the night sky, ancestral memory, and time. The god is associated with change brought upon by conflict.
    • Ocelotl's other armor sets emulate other military warriors, such as the Eagle Warriors, possibly the Shorn Ones, and warriors priests.
  • The Ocelotl uses both the macuahuitl club and the tepoztopilli spear, both iconic obsidian-lined weapons used by the Aztec elite warriors.
    • The tepoztopilli used by the Ocelotl is particularly a shorter variant of the weapon, as the standard version is usually a long spear or pike of at least two meters long.
  • The Ocelotl uses an Aztec death whistle, both in their reveal trailer and in-game as one of their purchasable unique roaming emotes.
    • Months before their announcement, devstreams had the death whistle sitting in the background as a hint of the upcoming Hero.
  • Ocelotl is voiced by Rufino Romero, who is also capable of speaking modern Nahuatl and helped MajorN with translating the voicelines.


  • In the Ocelotl's reveal trailer, the line "Xihuala qui" is repeated a number of times. While the subtitles correctly translates this line as "come to me," that is only applicable to the first part of the line, "xihuala" ("xiuala" in modern Nahuatl).
    • Beyond guesses, it was unknown what the latter "qui" was supposed to mean or if it was even "qui." Some possibilities were the third person singular pronoun or a suffix meant to denote themselves as someone who performs the action.
    • It was later found out, through translation attempts and the fact that it's featured as a line for Ocelotl's Bear Trap placement, that the "qui" part is meant to mean "now," making the entire translate to "come to me, now."
  • The following are the name of Aztec deities and terminologies, either spoken in Ocelotl's dialogue and/or as names in his moveset:
    • Tonatiuh is the Mesoamerican sun deity of the daytime sky, ruling the cardinal direction of east and is often depicted as a warlike god. This deity's name is synonymous with "the sun" as a result.
    • Tlaloc is the Aztec deity of rain, earthly fertility and water. He is worshiped as a giver of life and sustenance.
    • Quetzalcoatl is the Aztec deity of many aspects, but is mostly commonly attributed to life, light, the Sun and the winds. He is also the patron god of the Aztec priesthood.
    • The Hero name "Mixcoatl" is named after the mesoamerican deity of the same name. The name translates to "cloud serpent" in Nahuatl, and is the deity of the Milky Way, the stars, and the heavens.
    • Xólotl is the Aztec deity of twilight, fire and lightning, and is the canine brother and twin to Quetzalcoatl. He is also associated as the deity of twins, monsters, misfortune, sickness, and deformities.
    • Mictlan is the underworld in Aztec mythology. Aside from it, there are other places the dead would go to depending on how they died, as noted here.
    • More TBAed
  • Translations provided below are contributed from the Ocelotl Voiceline video by MajorN (and those who helped him translate), along with other Nahuatl enthusiasts/scholars.
    • Modern Nahuatl is in truth a collection of Nahuan languages placed under the umbrella term of "Nahuatl" in reference to their origin to the classical Nahuatl speakers of the pre-Spanish Conquest era. As such, the variety within the Nahuan languages can be greatly different, with all of them subject to Spanish influences over the centuries; the most common variety is Huasteca Nahuatl, spoken by over a million speakers, primarily in the La Huasteca region of Mexico.
    • As per notes in MajorN's video, some of the lines in the game may be "bad recordings," thus may not be accurate to the Nahuan languages or is simply unintelligble to those who helped translate the lines; these lines are marked with "???" for their translation.
  • As is characteristic of any languages, some of the lines are metaphorical or euphinisms. Some lines are offere both their direct and figurative translations, but others are not due to the length of their dialogue or a need for an explanation, and will be listed here:
    • Avenging Apocolypse's "Cholollī" may simply be a battlecry for an offensive strike.
    • Jaguar's Claw/Tail's "Tlahuilli" may be in reference to the Ocelotl being a "flash of light," or that the attack they perform will be blindingly fast.
    • Hunter's Stance entry's "Titla tlamotla matia" may be an indirect way for the Ocelotl to state "I will rip my prey with my bare hands."
    • Hunter's Stance entry's "Titla tlachia" may be in reference to himself not being visible or that the enemy is blind to seeing them.
    • As mentioned above, the deity Tonatiuh's name is synonymous with "the Sun" and is directly translated as such. In the case of Second Wind's "Chicuace tonatiuh," the direct translation of "sixth sun" references how the Aztec people believed there were only five distinct suns, or five eras, thus a sixth sun referred to a new era.
    • Trapper's Reach's "Xihualla" may possibly be a reference to famous line recited by Mortal Kombat's Scorpion when using his Spear move. While he's famously known for saying "get over here," in some installments have Scorpion also shouting "come here" when using the Spear, as can be seen here.



  • Nahuatl: Cholollī - English: "Arrow!"
    • Avenging Apocolypse (Finisher Light)
  • Nahuatl: Chimoso - English: "???"
    • Avenging Apocolypse (Finisher Light)
  • Nahuatl: Cocoxqui - English: "Let's strike!"
    • Avenging Apocolypse (Finisher Light)
  • Nahuatl: Amoxqueza - English: "Let's go!"
    • Tonatiuh's Warpath (Finisher Heavy)
  • Nahuatl: Ximiqui - English: "Die!"
    • Tonatiuh's Warpath (Finisher Heavy)
  • Nahuatl: Telpochtli - English: "Youth!" or "Child's play!"
    • Tonatiuh's Warpath (Finisher Heavy)
  • Nahuatl: Ximohmāca - English: "Let's fight!"
    • Tonatiuh's Warpath (Finisher Heavy)
  • Nahuatl: Xionnehhua - English: "Get away!"
    • Double Edge (Finisher Zone)
  • Nahuatl: Ximopoloa - English: "Get lost!"
    • Double Edge (Finisher Zone)
  • Nahuatl: Huehca xiyauh - English: "Do your worst!"
    • Double Edge (Finisher Zone)
  • Nahuatl: Ximehua - English: "Die!"
    • Jaguar's Claw, Jaguar's Tail (Dodge Lights)
  • Nahuatl: Tlahuilli - English: "(Flash of) Light!"
    • Jaguar's Claw, Jaguar's Tail (Dodge Lights)
  • Nahuatl: Nohuaxca - English: "You're mine!"
    • Jaguar's Claw, Jaguar's Tail (Dodge Lights)
  • Nahuatl: Titlahtoa - English: "A fierce strike!"
    • Jaguar's Grudge (Forward Dodge Bash)
  • Nahuatl: Nenpolihuiqui - English: "fight valiantly!"
    • Jaguar's Grudge (Forward Dodge Bash)
  • Nahuatl: Xólotl - English: "Xólotl!"
    • Jaguar's Grudge (Forward Dodge Bash)
  • Nahuatl: Oc cualli - English: "Go to rest!" or "Good night!"
    • Ferocious Fang (Finisher Bash)
  • Nahuatl: Xichoca occopa - English: "Cry some more!"
    • Ferocious Fang (Finisher Bash)
  • Nahuatl: Imitzana - English: "Got you!"
    • Ferocious Fang (Finisher Bash)
  • Nahuatl: Titla tlamotla matia - English: "In the midst of hunting with hands."
    • Hunter's Stance entry
  • Nahuatl: Ina huallachiya - English: "Come near and see."
    • Hunter's Stance entry
  • Nahuatl: Titla tlachia - English: "Nothing to see."
    • Hunter's Stance entry
  • Nahuatl: Nitla māta - English: "???"
    • Hunter's Stance entry
  • Nahuatl: Onpa pilahua - English: "Stay right there!"
    • Hunter's Snare (Hunter's Stance Heavy)
  • Nahuatl: Xitzatza - English: "Scream!"
    • Hunter's Snare (Hunter's Stance Heavy)
  • Nahuatl: Ximomana - English: "Stay there!"
    • Hunter's Snare (Hunter's Stance Heavy)
  • Parrying:
    • Nahuatl: Ic nomatini - English: "I won't die!"
    • Nahuatl: Amo cualli - English: "Not good enough!"
    • Nahuatl: Noyaxcan - English: "Too slow!"
    • Nahuatl: Xicpiya motoyotl - English: "I seek victory!"
    • Nahuatl: Xiquitta inon huallatica - English: "Look out!"
  • Upon dodging/blocking three times without being hit:
    • Nahuatl: Amoxi choca - English: "You will cry!"
    • Nahuatl: Xatlila kahua - English: "???"
    • Nahuatl: Moma huitlo - English: "???"
    • Nahuatl: Cuacuaxin - English: "???"
  • Idle while in-lock with an enemy:
    • Nahuatl: Notlākayo kimatis justicia - English: "Our people will know justice!"
    • Nahuatl: Xetla miklamitli - English: "???"
    • Nahuatl: Noyolo nawasca - English: "???"
    • Nahuatl: Īpan tōnatiuh - English: "Upon the Sun!"
    • Nahuatl: Amo cualli ta miklamitli - English: "???"

Feats & Others[]

  • Hunter's Spirit (unique Tier 1 Feat):
    • Nahuatl: Tiyahuih titlahtlamatlahuatiuh - English: "Honored is the warrior."
    • Nahuatl: Amo inon te ni titiya - English: "You will not take me."
    • Nahuatl: Ihtic mictlan - English: "Within the underworld."
    • Nahuatl: Ipan tlayohuac - English: "During the night."
    • Nahuatl: Ne xiyacana in Mixcoatl - English: "I call upon Mixcoatl."
  • Bear Trap:
    • Nahuatl: Cemmalli - English: "Disharmonious."
    • Nahuatl: Nicxoyahuaz eztli tlen moyollo - English: "I seek the path of truth with all my heart."
    • Nahuatl: Xihualla qui - English: "Come here, now."
  • Second Wind:
    • Nahuatl: Chicuace tonatiuh - English: "Sixth sun." or "A new era."
    • Nahuatl: Nihuallatoc occempa - English: "I will fight to the end."
    • Nahuatl: Niquintzoncuiz - English: "I will defend."
  • Trapper Reach (unique Tier 4 Feat):
    • Nahuatl: Miqui - English: "Die!"
    • Nahuatl: Xihualla - English: "Get over here!" or "Come here!"
    • Nahuatl: Nohuicpaqui - English: "Submit to me!"
    • Nahuatl: Tiahciqui notlac - English: "Come beside me!" or "Come to my side!"
  • Stalwart Banner:
    • Nahuatl: Niquiteochihua Quetzalcoatl - English: "I call upon Quetzalcoatl!"
    • Nahuatl: Amo nicnequi nechtazacuaz - English: "I will not fear death!"
    • Nahuatl: Tonatiuh cempa quiza - English: "The Sun will rise again!"
  • Revive:
    • Nahuatl: Nltechtilli - English: "My friend!"
    • Nahuatl: Tlazohtlaoni - English: "My ally."
    • Nahuatl: Nitetlazohcamati - English: "My fellow warrior."
  • Respawn:
    • Nahuatl: Titlahtlamotlahuatiya - English: "To fight, or to wage war."
    • Nahuatl: Nican nicah - English: "I am here."
    • Nahuatl: Ninocencahua nimiquiz - English: "I will not give up."
    • Nahuatl: Neh ninohuahpahua - English: "I will prevail."



  • Help with Nahuatl translation done with Discord User Poki, along with referencing translations done by MajorN.

Fighting Style[]

The Ocelotl hail from the great Aztec Empire. Master hunters, their name means “Jaguar Warrior” in their native tongue of Nahuatl. The Ocelotl stalks their enemies with predator patience -- only to tear them to shreds in moments. Efficient and calculating, they wield a macuahuitl club and tepoztopilli spear to maul their prey as the situation warrants. They are ferocious fighters who never forget a grudge.

  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Disabler and Ganker
  • Relentless Offense through Infinite Chain

Special Capabilities[]

  • Infinite chain that mixes light, heavy, zone and bash attacks, with special properties on finishers
  • Stalker Stance that works as a mobile Hidden Stance, together with giving access to a pinning Heavy attack
  • Feats based around the concept of death, letting the Ocelotl be semi-omnipresent


Available Perks for the Ocelotl can be viewed on the Perks page.

  • T1: Huntman's Spirit - Passive: Ocelotl will not Respawn or be Revivable as normal, instead turning into an invisible Spirit briefly after death; does not occur if you are executed or environmental killed. While a Spirit, the player cannot perform actions or be affected by any team or on-field effects; they can only roam the map at 50% increased speed while slowly healing health (starts at ~12.5 health, healing ~2.5 health a second). After a set duration depending on the gamemode, Ocelotl will be able to spawn at their current location with the amount of health they have recovered (minimum ~30 health, thereafter takes 50 seconds to be able to spawn at full health); cannot spawn near allied/enemy units or on ladders/ropes. Unlike Respawning or Reviving, the Ocelotl will not have Super Armor upon spawning from a Spirit. After the Respawn timer runs out or if your team enters breaking, you will be respawned as normal.
    • Tireless
    • Iron Lungs
  • T2: Vengeful Mark - Passive: Upon being killed (that is not environmental, such as ledges), your assailant will be temporarily marked for death as they are revealed and receive a defense debuff.
    • Executioner's Respite
    • Bear Trap
  • T3: Quetzalcoatl's Blessing - Passive: Upon killing an opponent, gain a temporary attack and speed buff.
    • Protected Revive
    • Second Wind
  • T4: Trapper's Reach - Send out a spear from afar to pull in your target, inflicting heavy Bleed. Once the target is pulled in, Ocelotl will have them guardbroken, thus can proceed to attack them or throw the target in a desired direction. Only usable in Guard Mode, and can pull enemies off ledges.
    • Regenerate
    • Stalwart Banner



  • Renown: Hybrid - Renown is balanced across activities. (non-Dominion/Breach gamemodes only)
  • Revenge Mode - Boosts Damage and Health. All Attacks are Uninterruptible. Parry and Throws knock enemies down. Attacks are Auto-Parried on activation.
  • Dodge: No Guard - When performing a Dodge, your Hero's Guard disappears until the end of the Dodge.

Hero Specific[]

  • Infinite Alternating Chain - Ocelotl can chain any combination of Light Attack, Heavy Attack, Zone Attack and Bash together, as long as no one input is used twice in succession.
    • Infinite Chain Finishers - If Ocelotl performs two of the same input in succession (ie. Bash into Bash, Zone into Zone) during Infinite Alternating Chain, the second attack will be counted as a Chain Finisher.
  • Infinite Chain Properties - Depending on when a move is performed during Infinite Alternating Chain, Ocelotl's attacks will attain certain properties.
    • Apocalyptic Lights - Chain and Finisher Lights are slightly faster.
    • Tonatiuh's Heavies - Chain Heavy is slightly faster, while Finisher Heavy is Unblockable.
    • Double Edge Zones - Chain and Finisher Zone are slower than the Opener variant, but consume less Stamina. Finisher Zone also comes from the Right Guard instead of Left Guard.
    • Jaguar's Bash - Chain Bash is slow but feintable, while Finisher Bash is a fast pinning move.
  • Chain Openers - All Dodge Attacks, Zone Attack, Tlaloc's Thunder and Hunter's Snare count as an Opener of their respective input.
  • Uninterruptible Zone Attacks - Ocelotl's Zone Attacks all possess the Uninterruptible property. Chain and Finisher Zone has an Uninterruptible Stance that starts earlier into the attack than most instances of Uninterruptible.
    • Feintable Zone Attacks - All Zone Attacks are feintable.
  • Damaging Bashes - Skull Smash and Ferocious Fang deal direct health damage and can ledge. As a result, Skull Smash does not guarantee follow-up damage.
    • Jaguar's Grudge Follow-up Rules - Jaguar's Grudge guarantees a Chain Light if it lands. Otherwise, it cannot chain on-miss.
    • Skull Smash Follow-up Rules - Skull Smash can chain even on-miss, but does not guarantee a follow-up attack.
    • Revenge Feeding Bashes - Skull Smash and Ferocious Fang will count as a Bash when it comes to feeding Revenge to the target, instead of feeding Revenge based on the damage they deal.
  • Enhanced Dodge Attack - Jaguar's Claw and Jaguar's Tail are Enhanced, thus do not bounce when blocked.
  • Hunter's Stance - Hunter's Stance is a Mobile Hidden Stance. The Startup has a Dodge property.
    • Hunter's Stance Properties - Ocelotl cannot perform defensive moves such as Blocking or Parrying while in Hidden Stance, or enact other moves such as Lights or Guardbreak. Ocelotl can move around while holding this stance, moving faster than normal.
    • Hunter's Snare - During Hunter's Stance, inputting Heavy will have Ocelotl leap forward for an attack with his club. Distance covered by Hunter's Snare is greater than a normal Dodge attack.
    • Hunter's Snare Damage - Hunter's Snare deals damage in two portions. If the attack is blocked, it will only apply the first instance of damage. However, if this attack successfully lands, it will pin the target and deal a second instance of damage at the end of the pin. Essentially, Hunter's Snare deals less chip damage than other blocked moves.


(From Guard Mode)

Icon Legend

Type Name PC XB1 PS4
Chain Attack icon Infinite Alternating Chain Any LMB, RMB, LMB + RMB, MMB

Infinite icon Any Other LMB, RMB, LMB + RMB, MMB

Any RB, RT, RB + RT, X

Infinite icon Any Other RB, RT, RB + RT, X

Any R1, R2, R1 + R2, ⬜

Infinite icon Any Other R1, R2, R1 + R2, ⬜

Jaguar's Claw W + Space, LMB LS↑ + A, RB LS↑ + X, R1
Jaguar's Tail A or D + Space, RMB LS← or LS→ + A, RT LS← or LS→ + X, R2
Avenging Apocalypse LMB after another LMB RB after another RB R1 after another R1
Unblockable icon Tonatiuh's Warpath RMB after another RMB RT after another RT R2 after another R2
Unblockable iconPush Back icon Jaguar's Grudge W + Space, MMB LS↑ + A, X LS↑ + X, ⬜
Chain Attack icon

Unblockable iconPush Back icon

Skull Smash MMB after any non-finisher, except MMB X after any non-finisher, except X ⬜ after any non-finisher, except ⬜
Unblockable iconPush Back icon Ferocious Fang MMB after another MMB (not GB or throw) X after another X (not GB or throw) ⬜ after another ⬜ (not GB or throw)
Uninterruptible Stance icon Zone Attack LMB + RMB RB + RT R1 + R2
Chain Attack icon

Uninterruptible Stance icon

Chain Zone Attack LMB + RMB after any non-finisher, except LMB + RMB RB + RT after any non-finisher, except RB + RT R1 + R2 after any non-finisher, except R1 + R2
Uninterruptible Stance icon Double Edge LMB + RMB after another LMB + RMB RB + RT after another RB + RT R1 + R2 after another R1 + R2
Hunter's Stance Hold C Hold RS↓ Hold R3↓
Hunter's Snare (In Hunter's Stance) RMB RT R2
Tlaloc's Thunder (Not in Guard Mode) ↑ + RMB LS (press to sprint) + RT L3 (press to sprint) + R2



New_World_Greetings Lethal_Pounce
Skewered_Prey Ripsaw


Passive Stance[]

Accidental_Stab Shoulder_Slash Severe_Disappointment
Death_Whistle Defiant_Pose Aztec_Fury

Fighting Stance[]

Taunting_Scrape Hunter's_Menace Spear_Spin
Unforgiving_Rage Battle_Ready Tezcaltilpoca's_Favor



Requiescat In Pace


Rampage Of Ragnarok


Cheaty Flute


Blow Your Own Horn


Harpy Hey Joe


Lute Not


Sylvan Vaporization


Horkos Pharmakos


Sylvan Metamorphasis


Revenant Slayer


Ulfhednar Killer


Shiryo Avenger


Jiangshi Banisher


Minified And Put Aside


Minified And Magnified


Minified And Stomped


Minified And Kicked Away


Wolf Among Sheep


Ilma's Scythe


Cane You Feel It


Brought You A Gift


Chimera Salvation


Blades of the Vanguards


Resounding Defeat


Deadly Hare


Sylvan Detachment


To The Great Beyond


Feast Upon The Weak


The Masquerade Is Over


Unquenchable Wolf


Farewell, Chimera Music Box


Farewell, Chimera Zither


Farewell, Horkos Bagpipe


Farewell, Horkos Violin


Wrathful Concision


Willful Concision


Sorrowful Concision


Artful Concision


Aegir's Reach


Anchors Down


Chill Out


Death Metal Triangle


Fish In A Barrel


Get Whale Soon


Off The Hook


The Huntress' Prey


Ran's Bestowment


What Goes Around


Just Add Oil


A Plague Unto You


Blow Dart Barrage


Jorogumo's Hunter


The Spider's Thrall


Gruesome Punishment


Passive Stance[]


The Bard's Instrument


Sword In The Stone


Ready To Rumble


Volcanic Destruction Blast


Jack O Lantern


Leap Of Faith


Penguin Walk


Vortiger's Ascent


Shadows of the Hitokiri


Zhanhu's Fire


Dubious Assessment


One Of Your Shrugs


Howl At The Moon


Confused Warrior


Skeptically Swaying


Horkos Grimoire


Sylvan Book


Sylvan Meditation


In ChaRAHcter


Muscular Archer


Muscular Biceps


Message Board


Sylvan Panacea


Selfish Drinker


Chimera Bagpipe


Chimera Music Box


Chimera Violin


Chimera Zither


Horkos Bagpipe


Horkos Music Box


Horkos Violin


Horkos Zither




Raising Glasses


Suspended Gong


The Bodhran


The Field Drum


Suspicious Tumbleweed


Elegant Dance


The Bard's Triangle


Gryphon's Fireside


Boxing Drill


Mad Alchemist


Stars of Destiny


Boxing Drill


Think About It


My Juggle Act


Most Wanted


Think About It


My Juggle Act


Most Wanted


A Light In The Dark


Sun's Out Chair's Out


Dev Handshake


Handle With Care


Popcorn Kick


Follow My Lead


Snake Crossing


Rocking Horse


Rhythms of Shibu

Fighting Stance[]


Snowball Fight!





Knights Warden - Conqueror - Peacekeeper - Lawbringer -Centurion
Gladiator - Black Prior - Warmonger - Gryphon
Samurai Kensei - Shugoki - Orochi - Nobushi - Shinobi
Aramusha - Hitokiri - Kyoshin - Sohei
Vikings Raider - Warlord - Berserker - Valkyrie - Highlander
Shaman - Jormungandr - Varangian Guard
Wu Lin Tiandi - Jiang Jun - Nuxia - Shaolin - Zhanhu
Outlanders Pirate - Medjay - Afeera - Ocelotl - Khatun