"You may not deserve my help. But they do." - Neferkha, in reference to Bolthorn
Neferkha is the leader of the Medjay Heroes, protecting their lost civilization of sand and the treasures that is theirs from those who wish to steal it from them. As Bolthorn had stolen the Scarab Bracelet, bringing its curse to Heathmoor, Neferkha feels obligated in taking back the Bracelet to save those who do not deserve the curse.
When his friend Bolthorn stole the Scarab Bracelet from the desert kingdom, Neferkha knew what would happen next. He left his homeland to chase the Raider, following the relic’s trail of waste and death to its heart in Valkenheim. There Neferkha found Bolthorn, a cursed shell of his former self. An epic battle ensued – with Neferkha ultimately besting his friend. Rather than killing the Viking, Neferkha spared his life and removed the Bracelet to lift the curse. Having witnessed the relic’s destruction, Neferkha had realized the jewel belonged to a different time and place; it was simply too dangerous, even for himself, the last heir of the Pharaohs. The Medjay left Valkenheim so it might begin to heal. He became a mercenary to buy his way back home, where he would return the Bracelet to its resting place.
"A song travels across the sands, across the seas to Heathmoor..."
The moon was low, a thin crescent that offered very little in the way of light. But these dunes had no secret left to keep from me. The desert, afterall, was my home. The only home I'd ever known. My kingdom of dust.
All who would call it home fell under my protection. And all who would do harm, I intended to stop. But this night, I found no Desert Brigands. Instead, I followed a single track of footsteps. They led me to a chasm, recently revealed by the shifting sands and ceaseless winds. Upon realizing where this opening led, I hurried inside.
This temple, I had visited only once before. Still, I knew how dangerous it was. And I knew what treasures lay inside. Eventually, I caught the intruder. But he was not whom I expected. This was no Brigand. He was a proud warrior, desperate and curious. Before he fell victim to a deadly trap, I saved his life.
He told me who he was, and what he was after. He called himself a Viking, honor-bound to protect his clan. I urged him to leave, but he was insistent on exploring. Thinking it would be better to supervise him, I offered myself as a guide through the dark temple. When he saw the Scarab Bracelet, I foolishly told him what it was. I believed he would heed my warning: "The relic's awesome power was not meant for us mortals. It was to remain buried, undisturbed, forgotten."
He understood, and we parted as friends - or so I thought. I had misjudged him. I thought he was a man of honor. A warrior with a code.
Days later, I found out he had returned to the temple and taken the Scarab Bracelet for himself.Bolthorn. You have doomed your people. Now they suffer because of you. You may not deserve my help. But they do.
- Neferkha's name is likely based on one of the titles for Aspelta, a ruler of the Kingdom of Kush during the 6th century BC. This title meant "whose appearances are beautiful."