For Honor Wiki

This page is the designated page in regards to movement speed in the game, from sprint speed to walking speed, together with particulars such as out of stamina speed.

Sprint Speed List[]

Below is the list of Heroes in order of their sprint speed, fastest to slowest (order of Heroes in the same speed bracket is alphabetical, not from fastest to slowest). While Heroes can have varying accelerations, the stat is not factored into the list below as it mars a Hero's overall consistent movement speed, with some Heroes seemingly being faster or slower than they really are.

In older tests, movement speed was recorded by percentage, with 100% movement speed being the same as what is currently recorded as 7.0 to 7.25 m/s depending on when the test was done.

This list includes unique sprints, which are Shinobi's Super Sprint and Shugoki's Charge of the Oni.

Hero Speed (m/s)
Shinobi (Super Sprint) 8.5
Afeera, Orochi, Peacekeeper,

Shaman, Shinobi

Shugoki (Charge of the Oni), Gladiator, Kyoshin 7.25
Aramusha, Nuxia, Shaolin 7.0
Jormungandr, Valkyrie 6.75
Berserker, Black Prior, Centurion, Hitokiri,

Jormungandr, Lawbringer, Nobushi, Nuxia,

Raider, Shaolin, Tiandi, Pirate, Varangian Guard

Warden, Warlord, Warmonger, Zhanhu

Gryphon, Jiang Jun, Medjay, Ocelotl 6.25
Conqueror, Highlander, Kensei 6.0
Shugoki 5.5


All Heroes have a Free Roam Speed, together with a Sprint Speed, Walk Speed and an OoS (out of stamina) speed. These follow a formula, as will be outlined below. Sprint Speed is already listed above.

A Hero's Sprint Speed is roughly 50% faster than their Free Roam Speed. As a result, Free Roam Speed is equal to 66% of a Hero's Sprint Speed (exa. Warden's Free Roam Speed would be 4.33m/s). The one exception is Shugoki whose Sprint Speed (5.5 m/s) is essentially more than double his Free Roam Speed (~2.5 m/s).

All Heroes possess a walk animation known by the community as "the Slow Walk" in contrast to their free roam animation. This walk speed is fixed between 1.25 and 1.5 m/s. This walk animation cannot be used when in an OoS state.

Out of Stamina[]

A Hero can Sprint as long as they have Stamina; sprinting does not cost stamina and doesn't impede Stamian Regeneration. However, once out of Stamina (OoS for short; also known as Exhaustion) either from using too much Stamina or from being drained of Stamina through enemy bashes or Feats, a Hero is inhibited from a handful of mundane tasks. While they can still defend themselves with blocks, parries and dodges, their offense becomes impaired. The following is a list of qualities that Heroes receive when OoS:

  • Cannot Sprint (or Slow Walk). In Guard movement speed not affected.
  • Cannot perform attack chains, rolls, dodge attacks and other special moves
  • Attacks are slower by 200ms with a larger Parry window; damage not modified. Guardbreak is also slower, although throws retain their speed and effects.
  • Being Parried or thrown will cause you to be knocked down
  • Cannot perform tasks that requires Stamina, such as sliding down ladders

When moving around in the OoS state, a Hero will exhaustively walk at the fixed speed of around ~2.75m/s, except for six Heroes:

  • Shaman, Aramusha, Tiandi, Ocelotl and Valkyrie all have faster OoS speeds at ~3.25m/s.
  • Shugoki's speed is significantly slower at ~1.75m/s.

Interacting with objects (including using ladders and ziplines) or performing an Execution will pause Stamina regeneration.

Avoiding OoS[]

A Hero can avoid running at OoS Speed if they have the Iron Lung Feat unlocked, which will allow them to sprint normally even when OoS. This feat is helpful, especially for Shugoki or fast Heroes with normal OoS speed (Orochi, Shaolin), as OoS inhibits a Hero's mobility by at least 40%, up to 62.5% for the fastest Heroes. Attaining Stamina through Feats & Perks will also help reduce time in OoS.

Heroes are free to activate Revenge even if they are Out of Stamina. By activating Revenge, they will remove themselves from their Out of Stamina state and fully restore Stamina.

Being knocked down in general regenerates full Stamina, thus allows a Hero to escape OoS instantly if knocked to the ground.

Sprint Modifiers[]

Sprint speed can be increased (or decreased) through a couple of measures, from Boosts to Feats. Below is a list of all possible ways to modify one's speed.

Bonus movement speed buffs of different sources stack, and are additive. This means that having two buffs from Feats will not combine both for a higher buff. Instead, the higher one will be selected.


  • Tier 1:
    • Rush: Trigger to gain 30% bonus movement speed for 10 seconds.
  • Tier 2
    • Juggernaut: You're slowed by 50%, cannot sprint, but gain damage reduction, slippery and uninterruptible stance. 10 second duration.
    • Smoke Bomb used to offer a movement speed boost to the user, but has since been reworked to not have this trait.
  • Tier 3
    • Fury: Raise sprint speed by 15% and attack and defense by 35%. 20 second duration.
  • Tier 4
    • Berserker: Significantly raise your sprint speed by 20% and defense by 45%. 15 second duration.


  • Galestorm: Gain 20% bonus movement speed for 10 seconds upon Hero Kill.
  • Radiant Rebound: Gain 20% bonus movement speed for 10 seconds upon Spawn or being Revived.
  • Feline Agility: When attaining a renown level, gain 4% bonus movement speed for the first, and 2% for the rest. Total of 10% bonus movement speed at level 4 renown.
  • Supersonic: In Revenge, gain 15% bonus movement speed and uninterruptible sprint. Persists briefly after losing Revenge.


  • Shugoki - Charge of the Oni: Charge of the Oni increases Shugoki's movement speed by up to ~31.8%, effectively making him the fastest Heavy Hero without the help of boosts/feats/perks. However, during Charge of the Oni, Shugoki ability to turn is heavily limited. The move costs Stamina over the duration, but can be easily entered and exited. The maximum duration a Shugoki can Super Sprint (from full Stamina to Exhaustion) is 3.8 seconds.
  • Shinobi - Super Sprint: Super Sprint increases Shinobi's movement speed by ~12.5%, making them the fastest characters without the help of boosts/feats/perks, although slowing down to normal speeds during harsh turns. The move costs Stamina over the duration, but can be easily entered and exited. The maximum duration a Shinobi can Super Sprint (from full Stamina to Exhaustion) is 4.5 seconds.
  • Warlord - Crashing Charge: Crashing Charge used to grant Warlord 7% bonus movement speed as he charged forward at the cost of not being able to turn. However, Crashing Charge now cannot be held to grant this bonus as of Year 5, Season 3 Tempest.

Boosts & Gamemodes[]

  • Boosts are available for the taking in Skirmish and Breach at certain locations of the map, granting 25% and 50% bonus movement speed respectively. The Breach boost also grants Stamina cost reduction for OoL moves, such as Sprint attacks and Super Sprint.
    • Defeating the Guardian in the Breach gamemode grants a unique Boost to the Slayer of the Guardian and all allies of the Slayer who were close by, granting an assortment of buffs. One such buff is Infinite Stamina which will prevent the Hero from going into OoS.
      • The Guardian's Boost used to reward a combination of the Attack, Defense and Speed Boosts that are present on the map.
    • Although Boosts appear in the Arcade gamemode, the Speed Boost is not one of them.
  • As part of the anti-Running Away mechanic, running away in a Duel or Brawl match will cause the Hero to receive a "coward" debuff, reducing their movement speed, adding extra stamina costs and gradually draining stamina. This continues until the debuffed Hero faces and locks on an opponent.
    • Pursuers of a "coward" debuffed Hero will have increased movement speed.


  • Shugoki used to hold the fastest movement speed possible for a Hero without the aid of boosts/perks/feats, at 9.5 meters per second, a ~72.5% increase from his base sprint speed. This was nerfed to 8.5 m/s with his Testing Ground Update changes at the start of Year 5 Season 2, as Charge of the Oni moved from being a single use move to a Super Sprint ability. It was further decreased to 7.25 m/s with a balance patch during the midseason change of Year 5 Season 3.


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