- Abijigoku
- Abner
- Abyssal Ranger
- Abyssal Walker
- Acamar
- Achaea
- Achernar
- Acherontia
- Ademar
- Adept
- Adils
- Adjudicator
- Adolar
- Adorned Aletha
- Aegea
- Aegolius
- Aella
- Aendrider
- Aequitas
- Aesalon
- Aeternitas Imperii
- Afeera
- Afeera/Abilities
- Afeera/ExecutionsAndEmotes
- Afeera/Gear
- Afeera/Main
- Afeera/Media
- Afeera/Moveset
- Affluent
- Agas
- Age of Wolves
- Agear
- Ahuinan
- Ahura
- Ainippe
- Airi
- Aizome
- Akagami
- Akagi
- Akiha
- Akizuki
- Akutami
- Alastor
- Alaudae
- Albedo of Horkos
- Alberich
- Aldys
- Alecto
- Aleister
- Alfarinn
- Alfhild
- Alfrig
- Algedur
- Alioth
- Alkirk
- Almace
- Alpha and Beta Dates and Times
- Altaïr's Devotion
- Alyssum
- Amamyra
- Amano
- Amarantus
- Amaririsu
- Amastris
- Ambition
- Amblypygid
- Amelias
- Amethyst
- Amsvartner
- Anastas
- Anbei
- Ancestor's Malice
- Ancient Bone
- Ancient Conquest
- Ancient Trickster
- And Stay Out
- Angel and Demon
- Angelet
- Angelic Tale
- Annallee
- Antandre
- Antianeria
- Antique
- Ao Ming
- Ao Tsuru
- Aoba
- Aoki
- Aonghus
- Apaosa
- Apastron of Horkos
- Apex
- Aphelion of Horkos
- Apogee of Horkos
- Apollyon
- Apollyon's Legacy
- Apollyon (Armor)
- Apollyon (mission)
- Apostate
- April Fools Events
- Aquila
- Aquila Helva
- Arabia
- Aragon
- Aramaki
- Aramu Squash
- Aramusha
- Aramusha/Abilities
- Aramusha/ExecutionsAndEmotes
- Aramusha/Gear
- Aramusha/Main
- Aramusha/Media
- Aramusha/Moveset
- Aravis
- Arcade
- Arcade Random Quests
- Arcaena
- Arcas
- Archaic Xiaren
- Archanian
- Archers
- Arctic Bearclaw
- Arcturus
- Arena Veteran
- Areto
- Argenteus
- Ariadne
- Ariake
- Ariseis
- Aristocrats
- Aritsugu
- Ariwara's Legacy
- Arkadia
- Armor
- Arrow Launcher
- Art of Battle
- Artegal's Heart
- Artful Duishou
- Asagao
- Asakura
- Asbetos
- Ascended
- Asger
- Ashfeld
- Ashfeld Moor
- Ashimar
- Asmodai’s Rebellion
- Assassin
- Astenvik
- Asterism of Horkos
- Astral Flame
- Astrea
- Astrea (Armor)
- Atolm
- Audley
- August Aleister
- Auratum
- Aurora of Horkos
- Austere
- Austri
- Avant-Garde Architecta
- Avant-Garde Ceapadoir
- Avant-Garde Conditor
- Avant-Garde Exquisitor
- Avant-Garde Faber
- Avant-Garde Famingjia
- Avant-Garde Filungar
- Avant-Garde Gishi
- Avant-Garde Gongjiang
- Avant-Garde Hatsumeisha
- Avant-Garde Huaxiejia
- Avant-Garde Ingeniarius
- Avant-Garde Innovator
- Avant-Garde Inquisitor
- Avant-Garde Kagakusha
- Avant-Garde Kexuejia
- Avant-Garde Kosho
- Avant-Garde Mingei
- Avant-Garde Oflati
- Avant-Garde Poietes
- Avant-Garde Repertor
- Avant-Garde Shokunin
- Avant-Garde Skapari
- Avant-Garde Smidr
- Avant-Garde Sozosha
- Avant-Garde Vefrkvenn
- Avant-Garde Yfirmadr
- Avant-Garde Zhizaozhe
- Avaricious Wolves
- Aventurine
- Avilda
- Aya's Resolve
- Ayakashi
- Ayame
- Ayame's Dance
- Ayanami
- Ayu
- Ayu's House
- Ayukawa
- Azalea
- Azel
- Azimuth of Horkos
- Azoth Abner
- Azoth Durable
- Azoth Earrach
- Azoth Ekin
- Azoth Hojo
- Azoth Imperial
- Azoth Kikuchi
- Azoth Kinoshita
- Azoth Kintaro
- Azoth Nightfall
- Azoth Valemon
- Aztec Empire
- Azuchi
- Badb
- Badefol
- Baetica
- Baifang Ghost
- Baiken
- Bakemononami
- Baldock
- Baligant
- Ballista
- Balmung
- Balor
- Balthurus
- Bamboo
- Bamboo Words
- Bandit Lord
- Baneful
- Barbarous
- Basanda
- Bashing Squash
- Bashok
- Basilisk
- Basilisk (Gladiator)
- Baten
- Battering Ram
- Battering Ram (Siege Engine)
- Battle of the Eclipse
- Battleworn
- Bayek's Borders
- Bayek's Fury
- Bazett
- Beachhead
- Bear Claw Clan
- Beasts Within
- Belisama
- Belladonna
- Belligerent Absolutist
- Belligerent Agitator
- Belligerent Apostate
- Belligerent Calamity
- Belligerent Castigator
- Belligerent Conspirator
- Belligerent Decimator
- Belligerent Defector
- Belligerent Despot
- Belligerent Destroyer
- Belligerent Fiend
- Belligerent Intimidator
- Belligerent Murderer
- Belligerent Mutilator
- Belligerent Oppressor
- Belligerent Outlaw
- Belligerent Persecutor
- Belligerent Punisher
- Belligerent Retaliator
- Belligerent Saboteur
- Belligerent Sadist
- Belligerent Scoundrel
- Belligerent Scourge
- Belligerent Tormentor
- Belligerent Torturer
- Belligerent Traitor
- Belligerent Tyrant
- Bellius
- Belloth
- Belloth Minerva
- Beloved Dark
- Belphegor
- Beltane Wildfire
- Belted
- Benetram
- Benitoite
- Benten Kozo
- Benzaiten
- Berimund
- Berinon
- Berserker
- Berserker/Abilities
- Berserker/ExecutionsAndEmotes
- Berserker/Gear
- Berserker/Main
- Berserker/Media
- Berserker/Moveset
- Bestiarii
- Bianfu
- Bijozakura
- Bisterne
- Biting Cold
- Bjorn's Runes
- Bjort
- Black Death
- Black Metal
- Black Prior
- Black Prior's Riposte
- Black Prior/Abilities
- Black Prior/ExecutionsAndEmotes
- Black Prior/Gear
- Black Prior/Main
- Black Prior/Media
- Black Prior/Moveset
- Blackbird
- Blackstone Legion
- Blades of Persia
- Blazing Sparks
- Blazing Tail
- Blistering Oak
- Blizzard and Squall
- Blodughofi
- Blood and Guts
- Blue Flame
- Bluebird
- Blunt
- Boastful
- Boastful Victoria
- Bodyguard
- Boisterous Hound
- Bolthorn
- Bolthorn Raven-Hands
- Bone Reign
- Bonfire Ashes
- Borghese
- Bornite
- Botanist
- Bots
- Boudica
- Bound Beast
- Braided
- Bramblepelt
- Bran
- Branhar
- Brash