For Honor Wiki

The Kiku no Sekku set is legendary armor set for the Shugoki hero, added with the Marching Fire update.


  • The set is named for Kiku no Sekku (菊の節句, "Chrysanthemum Festival"), one of Japan's five sacred ancient festivals.
  • The tsuba (hand guard) pendant on the armor's chest is the same design as the guard from the Orochi's Onojo weapon set.
    • Hanging on the backside sash is the mask worn on the back of the head in Nobushi's Zugaikotsu armor set.
Shugoki Gear Visuals
Shugoki Armor Visuals
Common Masamoto Aramaki Matsutani
Rare Raijin Fujisawa Okuda Ryutora
Heroic Saotome Daira Minazuki
Epic Five Points Blistering Oak Hayate Senryo Namazu
Legendary Tachibana
Ikko-Ikki Serene Oni
Daikijin Kiku no Sekku
Event Onyx Reign
Shugoki Weapon Visuals
Common Ariake - Hinogami - Kirishima - Ryuzaki - Shiranui - Zaimoku
Rare Itsuki - Nagayasu - Shiranui - Takamura - Umenokoji - Chigau Ariake - Onagadori - Kirishima Koi - Sacred Hinogami - Defiant Painter
Heroic Hibachi - Isogo - Kanzaki - Kurisu - Sumiyoshi - Takatori - Azoth Hojo - Jigokumaru*
Epic Fujieda - Magodayu - Okuma's Fury - Kurozuka - Katabira - Torturers - Hojo* - Nagaoka* - Kaen*
Legendary Unehara - Setsuna Snowfall - Suminokoji - Akagami - Omukades Peak - Glorious Sunrise - Tennou's - Gozu - Megitsune - Hot Pot - Onigokko* - Ubume* - Anbei* - Ryusaku* - Dark Fortress* - Copper Hasu* - Dragons Bite* - Wani* - Gomoyama*
Event Dark Shadow - Glacier Demon - Makato's Ballad - Bonfire Ashes - Mountain Call - Bayek's Borders - Tsuru no Ongaeshi - Shinju - Tokimeki - Tsuchinoko - Panji - Ahura - Belligerent Intimidator - Super Squash - Chimera Jingi - Lovely Snowflake
Premium Wyverndale Punisher - Magnitude of Horkos - Sylvan's Stride - Avant-Garde Kosho - Fabled Meiyaku - Cursed Kashiri

*Star Weapon
