"Neca eos omnes!" (Kill them all!) - Julius
Julius Salavander is a character that appears in For Honor's single player campaign.
Julius was formerly part of the Regal Legion, and was presumably a high ranking officer. It is also possible that he is a Noble, due to him having a last name. He eventually joined the Blackstone Legion, most likely after the Regal Legion disbanded, and rose to a high ranking position. He became the commander in charge of Odingard, as appointed by Apollyon herself after the Blackstone legion conquered Valkenheim. Though it is likely Julius was just a pawn in Apollyons master plan, and due to his unremarkable leadership, was placed as the commander of the fort as a suicide mission with little equipment so that once the vikings were ready, could kill him and his men. This would give the Vikings the naval superiority to raid the Samurai.
Julius acted as the Blackstones Liason in valkenheim, and ruled over what little territory Odingard gave him for a year. This is when Julius appears in the Viking campaign mission, Wood, Iron, and Steel. Stigandr makes a bold plan of infiltrating and breaching his base for The Warborn, before fighting and defeating Julius, liberating Valkenheim of a Blackstone presence.
Julius appears to be a strong and inspiring leader, calling for his men to kill all the Vikings. However, he is actually a cowardly man who flees from danger if there is no help available, fighting only if cornered. He is also partially incompetent, as Stigandr claims the men under his command did a poor job in creating defenses for Odingard. Despite this, he was a high ranking commander in the Blackstone Legion, and was personally selected by Apollyon herself to command the fort. Due to this, he presumably had “wolf” like qualities that she required Blackstone members to have.
Julius fights like other Wardens, using a Fiat Flux grenade to aide him in his combat.
Julius wears golden armor. He wears the Merope helm, the Lederic arms the Dullahan chest. His sword consists of the Daidalos blade, Caltrain Den guard, and the Engeram hilt. He also uses the Blackstone colors.
- Julius is the only Knight character that does not speak the language the game is set. All of his voice lines are only in Latin.
- This is possibly due to other factions, when not playing as them, speaking other languages than the game is set in due to the language barrier that would realistically exist.
- Another example of this is Fujikiyo speaking Japanese because he is encountered when playing as a Viking, like Julius.
- Julius is one of the few NPC’s to not appear in Arcade.