The Iron Legion Deserters were a small rebellious faction of Iron Legionnaires that deserted their posts and decided to live in the wild. These deserters were seen in the mission The Blackstone Legion.
The Iron Legion was once a strong faction among the Knights of Ashfeld that maintained peace and order, defending Ashfeld from the Vikings. But years of peace resulted in the Legion becoming disorganized. Once the Blackstone Legion had taken control over the Iron Legion, many members deserted or rebelled as they create their own faction outside of Blackstone's influence.
When sweeping through a Viking outpost in the mission The Blackstone Legion, The Warden and former Iron Legion commander Stone pass through a deserter-occupied forest. They anticipate a rebellious faction, only to then encounter a rogue Peacekeeper who ambushes them. After defeating the Peacekeeper, a squad of Soldiers, Captains and two Wardens jump at the 2 knights in an attempt to kill them, but to no success.
With the path cleared, the pair arrive at the deserters’ hideout in a ruined church where they confront the rogue Conqueror leading the deserters. The Warden angrily interrogates the deserter as to why they abandoned their posts, but the Conquerer ignores the question, insultingly describing the Warden and Stone as a “Blackstone dogs.” The Conqueror thereafter orders his men to attack the two, but ultimately fail. Thinking they are finished, Stone and the Warden prepare to leave but are ambushed by more deserters. The two are cornered, with Stone even becoming injured by an arrow.
It is then that Apollyon appears, killing 3 Captains. A Peacekeeper is able to stab a blade into Apollyon, but she quickly beheads the Peacekeeper without a flinch. With the Warden and Stone saved, Apollyon and the Blackstone Legion have the rebels at their knees. Two of the rebels, a Soldier and a Captain, attempt to attack Apollyon and her men, but she quickly deals with them, sparing their lives as the rest of the rebels are killed for being "sheep."