For Honor Wiki

"Like the rocks that break the waves, Highlanders have weathered many storms. Ancient alliances kept their lands but their owes have come due. They join our war out of obligation but they are not to be underestimated. Their claymore is the heaviest sword ever wielded. It can cut down even the most armored warrior. The elements battering their lands have made them strong. War has made them deadly."

Highlander are a playable hero in For Honor.


The Highlander is not a typical hard-headed Viking. Ancient alliances and obligations have pulled them into this war, otherwise they would have remained guarding their homelands. They can stay in a defensive posture and stand toe to toe with the fiercest of warriors, weathering the flurry of blows with their claymore... until they see a momentary weakness and then they pounce, displaying their true strength and speed revealed with sweeping strikes and heavy blows. They are never going to be the first to jump into battle, as they will plan each move and always be ready to counter. The mountains have made them hard and resilient; war has made them deadly.


Highlanders have most of their armor covered by their clothes but some scale armor can be seen. They have a fur cape and a metal head band. Their pauldrons and greaves are made of leather and they wear a gray kilt.


Claymore - The heaviest and longest sword on the battlefield. Cuts through armor.

Fh hero-detail-highlander-claymore-1 ncsa


  • Though a part of the Viking faction, the Highlander appears to hail from Scotland and only assists the Vikings due to ancient alliances between the two people.
  • While the official description says the Claymore is capable of cutting through armor, actual Claymore swords are unable to cut through armor.
  • The Claymore in game is inspired by the real life Highland Claymore, a two-handed Scottish sword.
  • While the term 'Claymore' is often used to talk about the heavy two-handed sword, 'Claymore' is also the name of a Scottish variant of the Basket-Hilted sword.
  • Before Marching Fire, the Highlander alongside the Shaman were the only heroes in For Honor to not have some kind of headgear or mask that obscures their face.
  • Description errors:
    • Originally, the official website mistakenly said "the Highlander is not a 'head'-headed Viking." This error was fixed afterwards.
    • The names of the Highlander's executions and the Gladiator's were switched at release but was corrected later on.
  • The phrase, "Dunmaghlas," said by the Highlander when he enters his Offensive Stance, is a Scottish war cry that can be traced back to the Highland Scottish clans.
    • "Touch not this cat" is a common motto motif for Highland clans, one of such being the MacGillivray who is mistaken for having the motto of "Touch not the cat but a glove," which actually belongs to multiple clans, such as the Macpherson and Mackintosh.
      • One of the writing staff for the game is a descendant of the MacGillivray.[1]
    • Dunmaghlas (also written as "Dunmaglass") also is the name of an estate and multiple chief-castles in Scotland.
    • The phrase can be understood in two ways: as a motto or as a battle-cry dedicated to the Clan Seat. The two are not one and the same.
      • As a motto, the phrase can be translated as "touch not the cat when its claws are out," or to put it in the context of the Highlander, "Do not try to challenge a Highlander that is ready to fight."
      • As a battle-cry, it refers to Dunmaglass as the Clan Seat, the home of the Clan. A Dun means a fort, while maglass is very likely an Anglicization of a Gaelic word).


  • Gaelic: Dunmaghlas! – English: "Touch not the cat but a glove."
    • Entering offensive stance
  • Icelandic: Kryfja Hann – English: "Dismember them."
    • Hitting with an offensive heavy
  • Icelandic: Til Orusstu – English: "To battle."
    • Celtic Curse
  • Icelandic: Fjalla Brjótur– English: "Mountain breaker."
    • Formorian Kick
  • Icelandic: Dauðinn blasir við þér– English: "Death beholds you."
    • Caber Toss
  • Icelandic: Nú ertu dauður– English: "Now you're dead."
    • Intent To Behead Execution
  • Icelandic: Kjúklingur á teini– English: "Chicken on a skewer."
    • Deep Cut Execution
  • Icelandic: Jæja!– English: "Well then."
    • Last Stand Emote
  • Icelandic: Andskotans djöfull– English: "Bloody hell."
    • Insult To Injury Emote
  • Icelandic: Dýra bogi– English: "Animal bow."
    • Setting bear trap
  • Icelandic: Ber er hver að baki nema sér bróður eigi– English: "Bare is your back unless a brother you have."
    • Inspire
  • Icelandic: Fljúðu– English: "Fly."
    • Firing long bow
  • Icelandic: Einbeita sér– English: "Focus."
    • Second Wind
  • Icelandic: Fáum okkur hressingu!– English: "Let's get refreshed!."
    • Champion's Aura
  • Icelandic: Áfram með ykkur!– English: "Onwards!."
    • Heave-Ho Execution

