"Like the rocks that break the waves, Highlanders have weathered many storms. Ancient alliances kept their lands safe but their owes have come due. They join our war out of obligation but they are not to be underestimated. Their claymore is the heaviest sword ever wielded. It can cut down even the most armored warrior. The elements battering their lands have made them strong. War has made them deadly."
Highlander are a playable hero in For Honor.
The Highlander is not a typical hard-headed Viking. Ancient alliances and obligations have pulled them into this war, otherwise they would have remained guarding their homelands. They can stay in a defensive posture and stand toe to toe with the fiercest of warriors, weathering the flurry of blows with their claymore... until they see a momentary weakness and then they pounce, displaying their true strength and speed revealed with sweeping strikes and heavy blows. They are never going to be the first to jump into battle, as they will plan each move and always be ready to counter. The mountains have made them hard and resilient; war has made them deadly.
Highlanders have most of their armor covered by their clothes but some scale armor can be seen. They have a fur cape and a metal head band. Their pauldrons and greaves are made of leather and they wear their signature kilt.
Claymore - The heaviest and longest sword on the battlefield. It slashes through the defenses of the opponent's shield and armor like butter.
- Though a part of the Viking faction, the Highlander appears to be of Celtic heritage (primarily Scottish and Irish) and only assists the Vikings due to ancient alliances between the two people.
- The Highlander may also draw some inspiration from the Gallowglass, Norse-Gaelic mercenaries famously known for their use of the Claymore.
- The term "Claymore" originates from the Scottish claidheamh-mór, which translates either to "great sword" or "broadsword"
- The term was first documented in reference to the basket-hilted swords of the 18th century favored by Highland warriors. Its name was in reference to the size relative to the contemporary small sword.
- Though older, the two-handed sword (claidheamh dà làimh) of medieval Scotland began to be called a Claymore in the 19th century retroactively. However, some debate exists within the historical and martial arts communities over the legitimacy of this terminology.
- While the official description says the Claymore is capable of cutting through armor, actual Claymores are unable to cut through steel armor, although it is able to cut through leather or cloth.
- It is worth noting that the Highlander's Claymore is larger than its historical counterparts. The weapon more closely resembles an exaggerated form of the 16th century Greatsword, a weapon more associated with the German Landsknecht. Combat-ready examples rarely exceeded 8 pounds and traditionally functioned as a lightweight Area Denial weapon in the hands of professional bodyguards.
- Highlander's fighting style is likely inspired by an exaggerated form of German Longsword, similar to the Warden.
- Defensive form:
- Highlander's Light Openers are based on the Half-Sword, a technique where a swordsman holds his sword by the blade, allowing the weapon to be used in a manner akin to a spear. This offered superior point control, especially necessary when faced against heavily armored opponents.
- His Side Guards are based on a variant of Vom Tag (From the Roof). However, this guard is traditionally used to set up an overhead cut, or block the same from an opponent. Highlander instead adopts Mittelhut (Middle Guard) before performing a Mittelhau (Middle Hew) as his Heavy Opener.
- His Top Guard is based on Zornhut (Wrath Guard), a stance mainly used to set up Zornhau (Wrath Hew). Highlander however, adopts a more pronounced Vom Tag guard just prior to performing a Zornhau as his Heavy Opener.
- Offensive Form:
- Highlander's Side guards are likely based on Nebenhut (Near Guard), a stance able to set up a rising diagonal cut (Unterhau), rather than the horizontal strike used by the Highlander
- Highlander's Top guard is not featured in any preserved treatise. However, it does resemble one of the stances of Siegfried Schtauffen, a fictional Landsknecht fighter from the Fighting game series Soul Calibur.
- Defensive form:
- Before Marching Fire, the Highlander alongside the Shaman were the only Heroes in For Honor to not have some kind of headgear or mask that obscures their face.
- Although Highlander is gender-locked to be Male in the game, an order quote from the Rite of Champions event makes note of the existence of female Highlanders.
- "With her dying breath, Andraste the Highlander honored Lachlan with this sword."
- Description errors:
- Originally, the official website mistakenly said "the Highlander is not a 'head'-headed Viking." This error was fixed afterwards.
- The names of the Highlander's executions and the Gladiator's were switched at release but was corrected later on.
- The phrase, "Dunmaghlas," said by the Highlander when he enters his Offensive Stance, is a Scottish war cry that can be traced back to the Highland Scottish clans.
- "Touch not this cat" is a common motto motif for Highland clans, one of such being the MacGillivray who is mistaken for having the motto of "Touch not the cat but a glove," which actually belongs to multiple clans, such as the Macpherson and Mackintosh.
- One of the writing staff for the game is a descendant of the MacGillivray.[1]
- Dunmaghlas (also written as "Dunmaglass") is the Anglicised name of an estate and multiple chief-castles in Scotland.
- The phrase can be understood in two ways: as a motto or as a battle-cry dedicated to the Clan Seat. The two are not one and the same.
- As a motto, the phrase can be translated as "touch not the cat when its claws are out," or to put it in the context of the Highlander, "Do not try to challenge a Highlander that is ready to fight."
- As a battle-cry, it refers to Dunmaglass as the Clan Seat, the home of the Clan. In Scottish Gaelic, it is written as "Dùn Mac Glais" and literally means in this context "for the fortress of the sons of Glas."
- "Touch not this cat" is a common motto motif for Highland clans, one of such being the MacGillivray who is mistaken for having the motto of "Touch not the cat but a glove," which actually belongs to multiple clans, such as the Macpherson and Mackintosh.
- The Highlander's voice actor is Ólafur Darri Ólafsson.
- The name for the signature "Aonaibh Ri Chéile" is the motto of Clan Cameron and translates to "let us unite."
- The emote "Par-5" refers to a golf term for a hole that is expected to take an expert golfer 5 strokes to complete. For most golf courses, a par-5 is the longest hole; par-6 holes exist but are rare.
- Moveset:
- "Tirna Nog" (Light-Light-Heavy combo) is in reference to the Irish mythology, "Tír na nÓg," which is one of the names of the Celtic Otherworld.
- "Lowland Slashes" (Light-Heavy combo) may be in reference to the Scottish Lowlands.
- "Banshee's Wail" (Heavy-Heavy combo) is in reference to the female spirit of Irish folklore who heralds the death of a family member. This is usually done through some form of cry (ie, screaming, shrieking, wailing).
- While there is no explicit trivia about "Celtic Curse," it is highly unlikely to be tied to Hemochromatosis, a metabolic disorder that has been named the "Irish Curse" or "Celtic Curse" due to its high prevalence among people with ancestry in the British Isles and Ireland.
- "Balor's Might" (Offensive Heavy) references the leader of the Fomorians (see below) of the same name. He is often described as a giant with a large eye that wreaks destruction when opened.
- "Formorian Kick" (Offensive Kick) is in reference to Fomorians (commonly misspelled as Formorian), which is a malevolent supernatural race in Irish mythology.
- "Caber Toss" (Offensive Grab) is a reference to the traditional Scottish athletic event of the same name.
- Icelandic: "Dýrabogi." – English: "Animal trap." or "Animal bow."
- Bear Trap
- Icelandic: "Ber er hver að baki nema sér bróður eigi." – English: "Bare is your back unless a brother you have."
- Inspire
- Icelandic: "Fljúðu." – English: "Fly."
- Long bow
- Icelandic: "Einbeita sér." – English: "Focus."
- Second Wind
- Icelandic: "Nú er ég reiður." – English: "Now I am angry."
- Fury
- Icelandic: "Skjotið!" – English: "Fire!"
- Spear Storm
- Icelandic: "Fáum okkur hressingu!" – English: "Let's have some refreshment!"
- Champion's Aura
Fighting Style[]
The Highlander is a stoic warrior with exceptional strength and an almost infinite patience. He stands like a rock weathering a furious storm but can strike like a crashing wave when an opening presents itself.
- Difficulty: Hard
- Two-Form Warrior
- Hard Hitter
Special Capabilities[]
- Defensive Form’s counter-attacking options allow Highlander to dictate the pace of the fight
- Offensive Form’s aggressive attacks can be infinitely chained
- Offensive Form’s bash attacks knock opponents around and guarantee damage
Available Perks for the Highlander can be viewed on the Perks page.
Tier | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
1 | Rush
Trigger to gain movement speed for a short duration. |
Body Count Passive | Killing soldier grants you health and stamina. |
Fast Recovery |
2 | Bear Trap
Medium damage trap that stops victims in their tracks. |
Inspire Allies deal more Damage, soldiers fight faster. |
Winner's Advantage Passive | Gain a temporary buff after a successful attack. |
3 | Second Wind
Recover some of your health. |
Long Bow
Fire a long bow for moderate damage. (85 dmg) |
Raise speed, attack and defense stats for a short duration. |
4 | Spear Storm Aerial Attack that deals medium Damage in multiple areas |
Fire Flask
Throw a projectile creating a fire area of effect. |
Champion's Aura Gain an aura which heals you and nearby allies |
- Renown: Hybrid - Renown is balanced across activities. (non-Dominion/Breach gamemodes only)
- Revenge Mode - Boosts Damage and Health. All Attacks are Uninterruptible. Parry and Throws knock enemies down. Attacks are Auto-Parried on activation.
- Dodge: No Guard - When performing a Dodge, your Hero's Guard disappears until the end of the Dodge.
Hero Specific[]
- Dual Form - Highlander's Guard Mode has two forms: Defensive Form and Offensive Form. Defensive Form retains Highlander's ability to Block, Parry and Guardbreak while giving his attack Defensive properties. Offensive Form removes Highlander's ability to defend himself in trade of changing his kit to a more Offensive-oriented one.
- Defensive Form - The Form the Highlander takes normally, focusing primarily on a stance for defense and trading.
- Uninterruptible Defensive Form - Heavy Openers and Finishers, Celtic Curse, Celtic Curse Cancels and all Zone Attack hits have Uninterruptible properties.The Uninterruptible Stance on Finisher Chain Heavies and the second to third hit of Zone Attack in particular start-up earlier into the attack than most instances of Uninterruptible Attacks.
- Defensive Form Light Openers - Light Opener Attacks have the Superior Block property during the Startup, causing the attack to become a Crushing Counter (unblockable and increased damage) if successful at blocking an attack. Time well to counter attack.
- Entering Offensive Form - Hold the Heavy Input, which is RMB (PC), RT (XB1), R2 (PS4), to enter Offensive Form from neutral.
- Neutral Entry into Early Dodge - When entering Offensive Form from neutral, Highlander can cancel the animation early with a dodge.
- Fast Flow - Fast Flow greatly shortens the start-up of entering Offensive Form. This can be accessed by holding the Heavy Input during the recovery of a Light Attack, a Heavy Opener, Celtic Curse, Celtic Curse Cancel or Celtic Impetus, during the start-up of Celtic Curse, or after any feint.
- Guardbreak into Offensive Form - Hold the Heavy Input after a successful Guardbreak to Fast Flow into Offensive Form. Entering Offensive Form in this manner will not allow the Highlander to throw their target but will also not cause the target to counter guardbreak.
- Offensive Form - While in Offensive Form, you cannot Block, Parry or Counter Guardbreak, but you can launch Special Attacks. Offensive Form is maintained by continuing to hold the Heavy Input.
- Offensive Form Enhanced Light Attack - Offensive Form Lights are not interrupted when Blocked.
- Offensive Form Unblockable Heavy - When in Offensive Form, release the Heavy Input for an Unblockable Heavy Attack. After this attack, you will return to Defensive Form if the Heavy Input is not held.
- Offensive Form Cancels - Offensive Form Heavy Attack can be soft feinted during its start-up into Offensive Form Light Attack, Formorian Kick or Caber Toss. Formorian Kick can be cancelled with E (PC), B (XB1), O (PS4) or soft feinted during its start-up with Caber Toss.
- Offensive Form Dodges - While in Offensive Form, Highlander's Dodges are altered, with side Dodges becoming faster. Highlander is also unable to roll (double-dodge backwards) while in Offensive Form.
- Caber Toss - Upon taking hold of an enemy and pinning them, Highlander will toss the opponent behind him. He will throw them slightly towards the right or left if his Guard Stance were facing those directions when performing Caber Toss.
- Offensive Form Taunt - During Offensive Form, Highlander has a unique emote that he can use.
- Exiting Offensive Form - Press E (PC), B (XB1), O (PS4) to instantly return to Defensive Form, even during the start-up animation of entering Offensive Form. Suffering a hit will also cause you to return to Defensive Form. After an Attack in Offensive Form, you return to Defensive Form if you do not keep holding the Heavy Input.
- Zone Attack - Cancel Zone Attack during the start-up of any of its attacks with E (PC), B (XB1), O (PS4). Cannot Fast Flow to Offensive Form otherwise.
- Celtic Revolution - The last hit of Zone Attack can chain into Heavy Finishers, while Heavy Finishers can chain into Zone Attack.
- Sprint Attack - Cancel Sprint Attack after the first Attack with E (PC), B (XB1), O (PS4). Cannot Fast Flow to Offensive Form otherwise.
- Celtic Curse Cancels - Soft feint Celtic Curse into a side stepping strike by inputting RMB (PC), RT (XB1), R2 (PS4) in the direction you would like the attack to come from. Highlander will side step to the opposite side of the attack. Celtic Curse Cancels have dodge property, allowing Highlander to avoid attacks during the maneuver.
- Celtic Curse Chain Starters - Celtic Curse and Celtic Curse Cancels can be used to initiate chains as Heavy Openers.
- Celtic Curse Cancel - Fast Flow - Celtic Curse can be soft feinted during its start-up by Fast Flowing into Offensive Form, or can be canceled with E (PC), B (XB1), O (PS4). Cannot Fast Flow or feint during the start-up of Celtic Curse Cancels.
- Celtic Impetus - Celtic Impetus acts similarly to Celtic Curse Cancels, as Highlander side steps as he attacks from the opposite side of where he steps, has dodge property during its start-up, acts as a Chain Heavy Opener and can Fast Flow into Offensive Form. However, it lacks the Uninterruptible Stance that Celtic Curse Cancels possess and deals much less damage.
(From Guard Mode)
*Star weapon
**Rarity unknown
Armor Styles | Weapon Styles | |
Heroes | |
Knights | Warden - Conqueror - Peacekeeper - Lawbringer -Centurion Gladiator - Black Prior - Warmonger - Gryphon |
Samurai | Kensei - Shugoki - Orochi - Nobushi - Shinobi Aramusha - Hitokiri - Kyoshin - Sohei |
Vikings | Raider - Warlord - Berserker - Valkyrie - Highlander Shaman - Jormungandr - Varangian Guard |
Wu Lin | Tiandi - Jiang Jun - Nuxia - Shaolin - Zhanhu |
Outlanders | Pirate - Medjay - Afeera - Ocelotl |