"The roar of the crowd can be intoxicating. It can give you the edge you need to defeat an opponent. It can also seal your fate should you lose favor. The arena is not a battlefield. The thrill of the fight has waned. But how will they fare in all-out war? Gladiators have risen the ranks of fighters and have run out of challengers. With their trident and shield, they charge into the fray. Their armor minimal and their bravado staggering. It is now time for gladiators to fight for something greater than themselves."
Gladiators are a playable hero in For Honor.
The Gladiator is a fighter by trade. They have honed their skills through grueling matches in the arena and are now the top of their field. They fight for their own personal reasons: some fight to glory, some fight for riches... but in the end, they all fight.
Their armor is minimal to allow for greater mobility but also to better highlight their skill. They have won over the crowd in every match but how will they fare when all that skill and training is put to the test in all-out war? The time has come for the Gladiator to pull a performance on the biggest stage they will have ever performed on.
The Gladiators wear very little armor. They possess metal pauldrons and a bronze helmet as well as bronze greaves. Their torso is covered by a subligaculum loin cloth, while their right arm is protected by a manica.
Trident & Buckler - Originally a fishing spear, the Trident became famous when Gladiators started using them in combat. In their other hand, they use the buckler to provide swift protection.
- Historically, Gladiators were warriors who fought in arenas against animals, condemned criminals, and other Gladiators to entertain audiences. While Roman citizens would volunteer to become a Gladiator, many of the Gladiators were either soldier-prisoners or slaves.
- In real life, female Gladiators did exist in Rome between 55 and 200 AD. They are known as Gladiatrices (Singular: Gladiatrix) by modern terms.
- Based off the armor and weapons used by the Gladiator, the Gladiator seems to be a combination of the Parmularius and the Retiarius Gladiators.
- The Parmularius, meaning "shield-man," were any gladiator who used a Parma shield. Due to the small shield, Parmulii would wear shin guards.
- It was previously noted that the Gladiator's buckler was based off the Hoplomachus' small round shield. However, this was incorrect as the Hoplomachus was based off Greek hoplites, whose shields were arm-strapped, whereas bucklers and the Parma are center-gripped.[1]
- The Retiarius, meaning "net-man," were meant to look like fishermen, fighting with fishing equipment such as tridents and nets; they would also be armed with a dagger. For protection, the Retiarius were lightly armored, wearing only a loincloth, an arm guard (manica) that would cover the entirety of their dominant arm and a matching shoulder guard.
- The Parmularius, meaning "shield-man," were any gladiator who used a Parma shield. Due to the small shield, Parmulii would wear shin guards.
- According to Ubisoft's UbiBlog, and as observed in-game, the fighting stance and style of the Gladiator is based off a boxer's.
- This choice of incorporating a "boxer's personality" is also mirrored within some of the Gladiator's moveset, such as Bee's Sting referencing the famous quote "Dance like a butterfly, Sting like a bee" by boxer Muhammad Ali, and Sucker Punch being an unfair punch delivered when the opponent is distracted (ie. punching the opponent during a break) and not through an actual skilled tactic like a feint.
- The names of the Gladiator's executions and the Highlander's were switched at release, but was corrected later on.
- All of the female Gladiator's catapult lines are in English, unlike the male Gladiator's Latin.
- Translations:
- The move "Fuscina Ictus" translates to "Trident Strike."
- The Execution "Cave Adsum" translates to "Beware, I am here."
- Male Gladiator in the Cave Adsum execution (together with the battle emote "To the death!") says something akin to "Fīō" (lit. "I am made"), although this may be simply a grunt and not a quote.
- The execution "Carpe Ventrem" translates to "seize the stomach" or "rend the stomach," and is a play on the phrase "seize the day" (latin: carpe diem).
- Latin: "Turbae carissimus!" - English: "Favoured of the crowd!"
- Bamboozle
- Latin: "Audaces fortuna iuvat!" - English: "Fortune favors the brave!"
- Fuscina Ictus and Knock It Off Execution
- Latin: "Mars me adiuvat!" - English: "Mars favors me!"
- Skewer
- Latin: "Dēmissa manē te!" - English: "Stay down!"
- Fuscina Ictus against a target who is out of stamina
- Latin: "Vate retro!" - English: "Go away!"
- Male Gladiator, Sleep Now Execution
- Latin: "Noli me tangere!" - English: "Don't touch me!"
- Female Gladiator, Sleep Now Execution
- Latin: "Jactáte!" - English: "Hurl it!"
- Male Gladiator, Catapult (enemy)
- Latin: "Terreamondus magicate!" - English: "Create an earthquake!"
- Male Gladiator, Catapult (enemy)
- Latin: "Fos Prōterite!" - English: "Crush that area!"
- Male Gladiator, Catapult (enemy)
Fighting Style[]
The Gladiator is a brash and boastful prizefighter that couldn't care less about the war between the factions. They just want to prove that they are the best warrior in the world. So they play with their foe with shock and awe.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Adaptable fighting style
- Good stamina management
Special Capabilities[]
- Two unblockable pins, Fuscina Ictus and Skewer, which can lead into deal chains and mix-ups
- Deflect can lead into a guaranteed Skewer move
- Can use the buckler to bash opponents and drain their stamina
Tier | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
1 | Iron Lungs Passive | You can still sprint when out of stamina. |
Bounty Hunter Passive | Gain Health & Stamina when you kill another hero |
Deadly Passive | Attacks deal more Damage |
2 | Righteous Deflection Passive | Parry to gain high Damage reduction for a short time |
Haymaker Passive | Punshes, kicks, and throws now deal damage |
Executioner's Respite Passive | The base healing of Executions are increased by 50%. |
3 | Pugno Mortis ("fist of death") Throw an explosive projectile dealing damage over an area. |
Neptune's Wrath Throw a trident for moderate Damage |
Boleadoras Projectile that deals low damage and traps an enemy for a short time |
4 | Fear Itself Enemies around you have lower Stamina regeneration and defenses |
Catapult Call a catapult strike over an area. |
Roar of the Crowd Greatly raise attack and sprint stats |
- Renown: Assassin - Earn more Renown in 1vX fights, by killing enemy Heroes, and getting killing streaks to unlock your feats in a match. (non-Dominion/Breach gamemodes only)
- Revenge Mode - Boosts Damage and Health. All Attacks are Uninterruptable. Parry and Throws knock enemies down. Attacks are Auto-Parried on activation.
- Dodge: Deflect - Dodge in the direction of an incoming Attack just before impact to Deflect it. A deflect does not interrupt the incoming attack, but in trade grants a Hero access to unique follow-ups.
Hero Specific[]
- Improved Stamina - Gladiator has a larger stamina pool. They also have an accompanying 33% faster stamina regeneration (40 stam/sec vs the standard 30 stam/sec) that lets them regenerate stamina at a similar proportion as most other Heroes.
- Chain Starters - Crowd Pleaser and Bee's Sting function as Light Attack Openers.
- Cheap Shot - Fuscina Ictus, Special Fuscina Ictus, Sucker Punch and the second hit of Zone Attack can chain into either a Heavy Finisher or Skewer. However, Sucker Punch performed from a Side Dodge cannot chain on-miss.
- Zone Attack - Cancel Zone Attack after the first Attack with E (PC), B (XB1), O (PS4).
- Bamboozle - Press MMB (PC), X (XB1), or ⬜ (PS4) after missing your sprint attack to throw a punch that Stuns and Knocks Back the opponent.
- Fuscina Ictus - Fuscina Ictus can be initiated from neutral or used after any chain attack (including Finisher Heavies). Upon landing, it will briefly pin an opponent in place then knock them back a little.
- Chain Fuscina Ictus - When performed in chains, Fuscina Ictus is slightly faster.
- Special Fuscina Ictus - When used on an enemy who is Exhausted, Fuscina Ictus will unbalance them instead of a knock back.
- Skewer - Skewer can only be performed after any in-lock attack, except for another Skewer. Upon landing, Skewer will pin the opponent as long as the Skewer input is held. The longer the Skewer is held, the greater the Bleed damage, up to three additional instances of damage.
- Skewer Cancel - Exit Skewer early with E (PC), B (XB1), O (PS4), or by dodging by pressing Space (PC), A (XB1), X (PS4). While the move can be cancelled even after all three instance of Bleed have been inflicted, the window is small.
- Skewer Throw - Skewer functions like a Guardbreak, allowing Gladiator to throw enemies while the enemy is Skewered. While the throw can be inputted even after all three instance of Bleed have been inflicted, the window is small (even smaller than the cancel window above).
- Skewer Punch - When the target of Skewer has their back against a wall, the Skewer Throw Forward (against the wall) will instead become a punch by the Gladiator, Stunning the target. Just like Skewer Throw, while Skewer Punch can be inputted even after all three instance of Bleed have been inflicted, the window is small.
- Skewer Deflect - After a Deflect, Gladiator can perform a guaranteed Skewer with only the Heavy input.
- Revenge Feeding Pins - Fuscina Ictus and Skewer will count as a Bash when it comes to feeding Revenge to the target, instead of feeding Revenge based on the damage they deal.
(From Guard Mode)
*Star Weapon
**Rarity unknown
Armor Styles | Weapon Styles | |
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Heroes | |
Knights | Warden - Conqueror - Peacekeeper - Lawbringer -Centurion Gladiator - Black Prior - Warmonger - Gryphon |
Samurai | Kensei - Shugoki - Orochi - Nobushi - Shinobi Aramusha - Hitokiri - Kyoshin - Sohei |
Vikings | Raider - Warlord - Berserker - Valkyrie - Highlander Shaman - Jormungandr - Varangian Guard |
Wu Lin | Tiandi - Jiang Jun - Nuxia - Shaolin - Zhanhu |
Outlanders | Pirate - Medjay - Afeera - Ocelotl |