"You were the one who opened the gate. Pay with your life!"
Saburo Fujikiyo (藤清 三郎; fujikiyo saburou) is a character that appears in For Honor's single player campaign.
Fujikiyo was the commander in charge of Fort Kaiyo Kabe. He was first seen when Warborn attacked the fort during the campaign mission Up The Beach. Near the end of the mission he was seen killing three Warborn soldiers before The Raider arrived. After ranting about losing the fortress and his men's lives, he challenges The Raider to a duel and is subsequently defeated.
Before he was the commander of the fort, he was a great champion of the Samurai whose feats in battle earned the attention of the emperor and as a result was appointed commander of Fort Kaiyo Kabe.
Fujikiyo had a student, a Kensei named Torao. It is unknown if Torao was present as Kaiyo Kabe at its fall but he was skilled enough of a warrior and leader to be second in command of a band of Samurai rebels that would splinter from the Dawn Empire.
Fujikiyo seems to be a stressed and hostile man, an attitude that is brought about by the attack on the fortress. He is shown to be vengeful, claiming that he would kill The Raider as punishment for their actions that brought about the fortress's fall. He has also shown a disdain to the Viking's style of living, calling them 'Savages'. He was also tactical as he was seen guiding his forces in a defense against the Vikings.
Fujikiyo wears the Himura Helm, the Fuuma Chest and the Morioka Arms. He wields a Nodachi with the Akiha Blade, the Sagiyama Guard and the Inagaki Hilt. He wears black and red colour patterns.
- Japanese: 貴様か、蛮族めが! (Kisama ka, banzoku me ga!) - English: "It was you, Savage!"
- Intro Dialogue
- Japanese: 全てをぶち壊しおって。このお城は落ちた!もはや兵もおらぬ!我が命も程なく付きよう。 (Subete wo buchikowashiotte. Kono oshiro wa ochita! Mohaya hei mo oranu! Waga inochi mo hodo naku tsukiyou.) - English: "You have destroyed everything. The fortress is lost. My soldiers, slaughtered. Soon I will join them."
- Mid-Intro Dialogue
- Japanese: 門を開いたのは貴様だ!その命で購え! (Mon wo hiraita nowa kisama da! Sono inochi de aganae!) - English: "You opened the gate. Now, you will pay!"
- Pre-Combat Dialogue
- Japanese: 忌まわしき化け物め! (Imawashiki bakemono me!) - English: "You terrible monster!"
- In-Combat Dialogue
- Fujikiyo is the one of the only Samurai characters that does not speak the language the game is set. All of his voice lines are only in Japanese.
- This is possibly due to other factions, when not playing as them, speaking other languages than the game is set in due to the language barrier that would realistically exist.
- Another example of this is Julius Salavander speaking Latin because he is encountered when playing as a Viking, like Fujikiyo.