For Honor Wiki

The Branhar set is a legendary weapon set for the Highlander Hero.

It is a combination of Fomhar blade, Lowlands hilt and Bran guard, with added color change feature on guard, according to the right side color of palette selected.

Highlander Gear Visuals
Highlander Armor Visuals
Common Scoti Macha Aonghus
Rare Hyperborea Badb Ragnald
Heroic Morrigan Dughall Elatha
Radiant Steel
Epic Herbrides
Karnon Liberty Spike Tethra
Legendary Snow Stalker Milesian Fir Bolg Balor
Event Dreadful Exodus
Highlander Weapon Visuals
Common Hardy - Dunmaglass - Defender - Highlands - Lowlands - Buxus
Rare Strider - Geimerdah - Fionn - Somerled - Fionn Lowlands - Fetlar - Earrach - Ice Strider - Defiant Trader
Heroic Bran - Errach - Fomhar - Boudica - Samhradh - Claiomh Fail - Azoth Earrach - Taranis*
Epic III Omen - Salamandra - Blackbird - Ceard-nan Gallan - Vigrid - Neimheadh - Claiomh Solais* - Belisama* - Serpentine*
Legendary Kelpie - Swooping - Lupine Gift - Mystletainn - Seahorse - Mimameid - Forest Hart - Boisterous Hound - Branhar - The Otherworld* - Stoor Worm* - Padraig* - Iomproidh Orga* - Darkest Depths* - Valravn* - Ymir* - Tarfr* - Cailleach* - Primal Howl*
Event Highland Stallion - Icebound Stallion - Dethpitch - Sunlit Ophidian - Treacherous Enemy - Templar Ideal - Jafnhar's Caladbolg - Glaistig - Gnaddr - Drome - Liath Macha - Srosh - Belligerent Traitor - Done My Squash - Chimera Anam Cara - Groovy Snowflake
Premium Wyverndale Traveller - Cepheid of Horkos - Sylvan's Cortege - Avant-Garde Ceapadoir - Fabled Hermathur - Cursed Sandr

*Star Weapon
