For Honor Wiki

The Belligerent Despot set is a weapon set for the Warlord Hero during the Rise of The Warmongers event.

Warlord Gear Visuals
Warlord Armor Visuals
Common Kyvain Millia Rigel
Rare Solaris Isard Fargul Nordri
Heroic Laxdala Berimund Kaitos Adolar Austri
Epic Heimskringla Doreon
Uthol Vestri
Legendary Menkar
Engelbrekt Hrym Rikr
Event Daudhr Fadhir
Warlord Weapon Visuals
Common Kazin - Ferral - Ingram - Rimca - Ladha - Rhoda
Rare Asmegin - Ebon Volkoff - Glymiron - Leos - Liavelt - Liavelt Ladha - Pazort - Volkoff Compass - Defiant Scribe
Heroic Mullen - Stelbart - Hednorg - Midborg - Volkoff - Windam - Azoth Mullen - Gudbrand*
Epic Egbert - Agear - Kingdom of Death - Berimund's Bane - Brimer - Hefring - Katzhai* - Hellions* - Duneyrr*
Legendary Balthurus - All Father - Jeweled Messenger - Feral Windgram - Svipdagr - Badb's Augury - Arctic Bearclaw - Hart - Teuthid - Heodenings - Fenrir's Destiny - Snapping Jaws - Lohengrin* - Imelda* - Magnhild* - Golden Bruin* - Glas Gaivlen* - Jewel of the Reef* - Hresvelgr*
Event Tusk of the Tundra - Black Death - Bjorn's Runes - Fafnir's Obsidian - Ulfberht - Vordr - Ofner - Moongarm - Skinfaxi - Mahre - Belligerent Despot - Squash Lord - Chimera Vinfengi - Sparkly Snowflake
Premium Wyverndale Merchant - Parhelion of Horkos - Sylvan's Hope - Avant-Garde Oflati - Fabled Frasogn - Cursed Heilagr

*Star Weapon
