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For Honor Wiki

The "Arcturus" gear style is one of the three Common level armor styles for the Warden hero; the others being the Haedus and Loran styles.

Armor Family[]


  • Arcturus, designation α Boötis, is the brightest star in the constellation of Boötes, the fourth-brightest in the night sky, and the brightest in the northern celestial hemisphere.
    • The etymology of "Arcturus" comes from the Ancient Greek word Ἀρκτοῦρος (Arktoûros), which in turn comes from ἄρκτος (árktos, “bear”) and οὖρος (oûros, “guard”).
Warden Gear Visuals
Warden Armor Visuals
Common Loran Haedus Arcturus
Rare Dain Elner Dullahan Tranquil Wayfarer
Heroic Fendrel Merope Executioner
Obscure Enigma
Epic Lord of the Manor
Chimera Consiliator
Jasper Lionheart Saerus Intrepid Wildcat
Legendary Tedeus
Gabrielle's Zenith
Horse Lord
Folville Megaera Chilled Tomb
Horkos Iliachtida
Event Vengeful Instigator
Warden Weapon Visuals
Common Rogan - Daidalos - Gardakan - Richter - Sheeden - Sirius
Rare Engeram - Aleister - Tringad - Valuan - Caltrain Den - Golden Aleister - Refined Valuan - August Aleister - Defiant Dame
Heroic Bellius - Gadwin - Garian - Guylaine - Halidda - Magnus - Gilgamesh*
Epic Aragon - Galford - Wisdom and Judgment - Egeking - Calidorus - Coreiseuse - Kelvin* - Caltrain* - Death's Glare*
Legendary Camulus - Deliverance - Divine Right - Howard - Hell's Champion - Bluebird - Howard Garian - Winged Victory - Devilish Amber - Caelia* - Ismenian* - Our Lady of Serenity* - Caliburn* - Cerberus* - Elegant Jade* - Endora* - Odette* - Merodach* - Jeweled Tricorn*
Event Crystalline Chill - Unwaking Nightmare - Valentia's Jewel - Astral Flame - Veiled Deception - Altaïr's Devotion - Rhoswen's Twilight - Vertebratus - Ophiuchus - Leonhard - Dumortierite - Fravashis - Belligerent Mutilator - Bashing Squash - Chimera Foedus - Dashy Snowflake - Ecliptic Magnitude
Premium Wyverndale Lord - Apogee of Horkos - Sylvan's Initiation - Avant-Garde Architecta - Fabled Proeliatoris - Cursed Heremus

*Star Weapon
