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The Alaudae set is a rare armor set for the Centurion hero.


  • The name "Alaudae" is in reference to the Legio V Aladuae (Lark-crested 5th Legion), which was also known as Gallica. Founded by Gaius Julius Caesar in 52 BC, it was the first Roman legion to comprise of non-citizens.
    • The legion's fate is often debated among historians whether if it was destroyed in the Batavian rebellion of AD 70 or during the First Battle of Tapae in AD 86.
Centurion Gear Visuals
Centurion Armor Visuals
Common Campania Baetica Dalmatia
Rare Samnium Gallaecia Savia Alaudae
Heroic Achaea
Valentia Dacia Primigenia
Epic Valeria
Borghese Praevalitana
Legendary Umbrian Creta Hippocrene Amarantus Rapax
Event Dread Complex
Centurion Weapon Visuals
Common Battleworn - Frigid Gilt - Munifex - Principes - Standard - Trusty - Veteran
Rare Burnt - Decanus - Optio - Scorpion - Decanus Pax - Auratum - Pax Regis - Praetor Pax - Defiant Evocatus
Heroic Cranium - Gilded - Pax - Praetor - Swamp - Tempered - Azoth Burnt - Equine*
Epic Aquila - Helmeted - Imperial - Crocea Mors - Harpax - Auceps - Satyr* - Whispering* - Gorgon*
Legendary Basilisk* - Blood and Guts - Calm Seas - Emperor's Grace - Tempered Swamp - Cardea's Breath - Miasma - Veritas - Aquila Helva - Glacial Slumber - Regal - Imperator* - Onyx Chariot* - Phoenix* - Venomous Gaze* - Eye of Chiron* - Sacred Fowl* - Vindictive* - Cacus*
Event Widow's Cry - Burning Forge - Victorious Hercules - Angelic Tale - Vena Amoris - Cauda Serpentis - Immanis - Kyanite - Yasht - Belligerent Decimator - Incredible Squash - Chimera Unitas - Spicy Snowflake
Premium Wyverndale Soldier - Facula of Horkos - Sylvan's Valiance - Avant-Garde Repertor - Fabled Arcis - Cursed Anguinus

*Star Weapon
