"What is fate, if not an ally? A friend who walks with us in life; a guide who delivers us to journey's end. Too long have we stood aside. Now, at last, we enter the fray. "
"We are the Afeera! Let us light your path."
The Afeera are a playable hero class in For Honor.
"They say that when the Afeera attack, they enforce the will of destiny. If they come for you, it’s already too late."
After the Cataclysm, the Arabian peninsula was consolidated into a large island of sand and cliffs of rock. Inside the walls of its great kingdom, the people long prospered under the rule of a benevolent Sultanate. Key to Arabia’s eternal welfare was the Celestial Sphere, an old relic that allowed its wielder to see future events unfold before they would ever happen. Such a weapon required expert handling and protection, and a special force to read its prophecies. And so the order of the Afeera came into being.
The Afeera are elite warrior-scholars tasked with protecting the Sultana, the Celestial Sphere and all their kingdom. Recruited from a very young age among the poorest and the outcasts, they are first taught in the arts and sciences before they ever hold a weapon. They go through intense and rigorous training to make them strategic and lethal warriors who are always a move ahead of their opponents. They are light on their feet, swift, agile, and acrobatic, qualities borrowed from their namesake, the gazelle.
Thanks to the Celestial Sphere, the Afeera have seen the events of Heathmoor unfold from a distance. They have foreseen the Faction War, and devastating climate events. But through all of this, they were forbidden from interfering, the rulers of Arabia deeming it best to keep Heathmoor at arm’s length. But with the Sphere now destroyed and the Sultana dead, the Afeera’s mission has just changed. No longer will they simply watch the events of Heathmoor unfold. Now, they will help shape them.
While fierce and nimble, the Afeera makes sure that their body is still properly protected. As such, over their Arabic robes, they wear a mix of chainmail and plated mail, with their arms covered in plate armor. Over their head, they wear a conical-like helmet with a niqab over their face.
Mace and Notched Shield - Offering the Afeera a choice on how to bludgeon their foe, the mace and shield combination makes for a fierce combination of blunt force. The shield uniquely has a notch in it to let rest the mace in some stances. Both are small enough to let the Afeera remain agile, using them like a dual set of weapons or otherwise wrestle with her opponents when given the chance.Known Afeera[]
- Hiba
- As noted in their bio, "Afeera" (عَفِيْرَة) is an Islamic name that refers to a type of gazelle.
- The weapon of choice for the Afeera seems to be based off a mix of the Gurz and Shishpar for the mace, and a mix of the taka and separ for the shield.
- Aside from sword, dagger and spear, Mamluks were often depicted wielding maces as their choice of melee weapon.
- The Afeera's fighting style seems to be based off Razmafzâr, a traditional Persian armed combat art that is currently being reconstructed. This specifically ties her to the gorzzani (gurz/shishpar and shield) and koshti-ye jangi (war wrestling) of the martial art.
- The stances Afeera take when in-lock may be based off standard motions of a scimitar as founded by historians, as seen here.
- Some influences noted by the devs for the Afeera are the Abbasid dynasty culture and the Mamluks.
- As per the description by the developers, the Abbasid dynasty, particularly the early Abbasid period from 8th to 9th century AD, was the period when the Muslim empire had stretched from modern Morocco to Pakistan. Thus, in key cities such as Bagdad, an assortment of cultures would meet and mix.
- The Mamluks (مملوك; "one who is owned") commonly refers to the ethnically diverse non-Arab slave-soldiers and freed slaves who were assigned military and/or administrative duties, during the Ottoman and Arab dynasties. While slave-soldiers, at certain points of history, the Mamluks were able to attain political or military power, at one point establishing the Mamluk Sultanate from the 13th to 16th century.
- Afeera's in-chain bash, Khassaki Kick, is named after the highest division of Mamluks who were akin to imperial guards. The divisions are the Khassaki Mamluks, the Royal Mamluks and the regular Mamluks.
- Arabic: أبهرني (abharini) - English: "Dazzle me!"
- Knockout Punch (Neutral Bash)
- Arabic: تزحزح (tazahzah) - English: "Move!"
- Knockout Punch (Neutral Bash)
- Arabic: أحمق (ahmaq) - English: "Idiot!"
- Knockout Punch (Neutral Bash)
- Arabic: إنصرف (iinsarif) - English: "Go way!"
- Knockout Punch (Neutral Bash)
- Arabic: بعيدا (beida) - English: "Away!"
- Khassaki Kick (Chain Bash)
- Arabic: مبتدئ (mubtadee') - English: "Amateur!"
- Khassaki Kick (Chain Bash)
- Arabic: يا منفوس (ya manfooss) - English: "Demon-possessed!"
- Khassaki Kick (Chain Bash)
- Arabic: أنا الرّياح (anarreeah) - English: "I am the wind!"
- Astro Flip Kick
- Arabic: أطير (ateer) - English: "I fly!"
- Astro Flip Kick
- Arabic: محاولة جيّدة (muhawala jayeeda) - English: "Nice try."
- Heat Death (Superior Block Bash)
- Arabic: مثير للشّفقة (mutheer lee 'chafaqa) - English: "Pathetic."
- Heat Death (Superior Block Bash)
- Arabic: ضعيف (tha'eef) - English: "Weak."
- Heat Death (Superior Block Bash)
Feats & Others[]
- Arabic: حيثما تنتمي (haithuma tantamee) - English: "Where you belong!"
- Tier 1 Feat
- Arabic: الشمس الدّوّارة (alshams alddwwar) - English: "The rotating sun!"
- Tier 4 Feat
- Extensive trivia research done by Hompulet, also known as Sunny. More TBAed.
Fighting Style[]
The Afeera are the tactical geniuses of the battlefield. Highly trained and precise in their attacks, they can deftly dispatch an enemy with their mace and shield. Nimble and quick, the Afeera are also capable of impressive acrobatic feats—using their every limb as a weapon to fell opponents. They are elegant yet deadly warriors.
- Difficulty: Hard
- Agile Fighter
- Relentless Rushdown
Special Capabilities[]
- Superior Block on Light attacks and Dodges
- Heavy Attacks have different speeds or properties based on Guard direction
- Acrobatic enforcer with an assortment of bashes and dodge abilities
Available Perks for the Pirate can be viewed on the Perks page.
- Tier 1 - Gravity's Pull: Perform a grab with your legs, throwing your opponent behind you and dealing 20 damage.
- Body Count
- Tireless
- Tier 2 - Fortune's Favor: Passive - Whenever you land an attack, gain a brief Defensive buff.
- Executioner's Respite
- Thrilling Comeback
- Tier 3 - Speeding Comet: Perform a grab with your legs, throwing your opponent to the ground in front of you and deal 30 damage. Guarantees a Heavy Opener. If the opponent is out-of-range, Fleet Foot will activate, but with a Full Block Stance.
- Tough as Nails
- Heal on Block
- Tier 4 - Orbiting Shield: Throw your shield at an opponent, dealing 30 damage and applying a defense debuff. The shield bounces up to 3 other targets nearby, be it yourself, your opponent or your allies.
- Stalwart Banner
- Regenerate
- Renown: Hybrid - Renown is balanced across activities. (non-Dominion/Breach gamemodes only)
- Revenge Mode - Boosts Damage and Health. All Attacks are Uninterruptible. Parry and Throws knock enemies down. Attacks are Auto-Parried on activation.
- Dodge: Superior Block - Dodge in the direction of an incoming Attack just before impact to Superior Block it, interrupting it. A successful Superior Block grants a Hero access to guaranteed follow-ups.
Hero Specific[]
- Seismic Shield into Heat Death - If Afeera successfully blocks an incoming attack with her Superior Dodge Block, she can input the Guardbreak input to perform a Shield Bash.
- Superior Block Lights - Both Opener and Finisher Lights have Superior Block property during the Startup, causing the attack to become a Crushing Counter (unblockable and increased damage) if successful at blocking an attack. Time well to counter attack or, in the case of the Finishers, fend against ganking foes.
- Directional Heavies - Afeera's Heavy Chain attacks have different properties based on which guard direction she attacks from.
- Varied Time Heavy Openers - Heavy Openers have different speeds depending on which direction the attack is from. In order of speed, Right Heavy Opener is fastest, followed by Left Heavy Opener, with Top Heavy Opener being the slowest.
- Special Heavy Finishers - Heavy Finishers have distinct properties depending on which direction the attack is from: Right Heavy Finisher is Unblockable; Top Heavy Finisher is Undodgeable; Left Heavy Finisher knocks the opponent back towards the right as she displaces herself to the left. The Left Heavy Finisher can wallsplat.
- High Recovery Bash Finisher - Left Heavy Finisher, including the Red Omen variant, has modified Recovery properties from the other Finishers depending on if the attack lands or not: if landed, the move has increased recovery frames to a Guardbreak, Knockout Punch and Astro Flip, but shorter recovery frames to Light/Heavy Openers and Zone Attack that are guaranteed on wallsplat; if the move misses or is blocked, the recoveries will be the same as the other Finishers.
- Astro Flip - Can cancel the Recovery of any attack or bash with the Dodge input to perform Astro Flip. By default, Astro Flip will have Afeera move backwards, but with a directional input, it can be performed to the side or forward.
- Astro Flip Follow-ups - After an Astro Flip, follow-up with either Astro Flip Kick with the Guardbreak input or with an Opener. These moves can be buffered during the Flip.
- Bash Assortment - Afeera has access to a number of unique bashes.
- Knockout Punch - Knockout Punch has Afeera leap to hit her opponent with her shield. This move can be cancelled during its start-up.
- Fleet Foot - If a target is outside normal leap range when attempting the Neutral Bash, Afeera will sprint for up to 2 seconds before initiating the leap. If after the 2 seconds, the target is still out-of-range, Afeera will stop her chase instead of performing the leap.
- Fleet Foot Feint - While sprinting, it is possible to feint the move to stop performing the Neutral Bash either with a Hard Feint or a Soft Feint into Flip.
- Navigating Foot - Unlike other chasing moves, Afeera can control the side-to-side movement of Fleet Foot's sprint. This allows her to move around corners and units when on the chase, but only to a limited extent.
- Fleeting Comet - Fleet Foot also affects Afeera's Unique Tier 3 Feat, Speeding Comet, allowing her to chase with the move before initiating its effect. Speeding Comet's Fleet Foot is not counted as a part of the move, so won't go on cooldown if the Fleet Foot is cancelled or interrupted.
- Khassaki Kick - After any opener, Afeera can initiate a mid-chain bash in the form of a back kick.
- Astro Flip Kick - After a Flip, Afeera can perform a bash in the form of a knee attack.
- Red Omen Follow-ups - After a successful bash, Afeera can either perform a Light or Heavy Follow-up. The Follow-Ups are guaranteed on the bash target, but can also be target swapped. Red Omen cannot be performed after a missed bash.
- Red Omen Traits - Red Omen Follow-ups will adopt the traits of Finishers: the Light Follow-up will have Superior Block in the direction of the attack, while the Heavy Follow-up will have a unique property based on the Guard direction.
- Knockout Punch - Knockout Punch has Afeera leap to hit her opponent with her shield. This move can be cancelled during its start-up.
- Chain Openers - Oracle's Doom, Oracle's Rush, Stampeding Gazelle and Leaping Gazelle count as a Chain Opener, and can be followed-up with a Finisher, a Khassaki Kick or an Astro Flip.
- Special Knock Downs - Although the target of Afeera's unique grapple feats, Gravity's Pull and Speeding Comet, will be knocked down at the end of the move, they won't be counted as being on the floor for moves such as Centurion's Eagle's Talon and Jormungandr's Hamarr Slam.
- Executable Knock Downs - All knock down effects, including all other special knock downs, cause the target to not be in a state to be executed, instead leading into a fixed death animation or ragdoll even if hit by an executing blow (ie. a normal heavy attack), However, Gravity's Pull and Speeding Comet will count the target as standing throughout the grapple animation, thus valid to be executable if the target is hit by an executing blow.
(From Guard Mode)
*Star weapon
Armor Styles | Weapon Styles | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Requiescat In Pace |
Rampage Of Ragnarok |
Cheaty Flute |
Blow Your Own Horn |
Harpy Hey Joe |
Lute Not |
Sylvan Vaporization |
Horkos Pharmakos |
Sylvan Metamorphasis |
Revenant Slayer |
Ulfhednar Killer |
Shiryo Avenger |
Jiangshi Banisher |
Minified And Put Aside |
Minified And Magnified |
Minified And Stomped |
Minified And Kicked Away |
Wolf Among Sheep |
Ilma's Scythe |
Cane You Feel It |
Brought You A Gift |
Chimera Salvation |
Blades of the Vanguards |
Resounding Defeat |
Deadly Hare |
Sylvan Detachment |
To The Great Beyond |
Feast Upon The Weak |
The Masquerade Is Over |
Unquenchable Wolf |
Farewell, Chimera Music Box |
Farewell, Chimera Zither |
Farewell, Horkos Bagpipe |
Farewell, Horkos Violin |
Wrathful Concision |
Willful Concision |
Sorrowful Concision |
Artful Concision |
Aegir's Reach |
Anchors Down |
Chill Out |
Death Metal Triangle |
Fish In A Barrel |
Get Whale Soon |
Off The Hook |
The Huntress' Prey |
Ran's Bestowment |
What Goes Around |
Just Add Oil |
A Plague Unto You |
Blow Dart Barrage |
Jorogumo's Hunter |
The Spider's Thrall |
Gruesome Punishment |
Passive Stance[]
The Bard's Instrument |
Sword In The Stone |
Ready To Rumble |
Volcanic Destruction Blast |
Jack O Lantern |
Leap Of Faith |
Penguin Walk |
Vortiger's Ascent |
Shadows of the Hitokiri |
Zhanhu's Fire |
Dubious Assessment |
One Of Your Shrugs |
Howl At The Moon |
Confused Warrior |
Skeptically Swaying |
Horkos Grimoire |
Sylvan Book |
Sylvan Meditation |
In ChaRAHcter |
Muscular Archer |
Muscular Biceps |
Message Board |
Sylvan Panacea |
Selfish Drinker |
Chimera Bagpipe |
Chimera Music Box |
Chimera Violin |
Chimera Zither |
Horkos Bagpipe |
Horkos Music Box |
Horkos Violin |
Horkos Zither |
Odaiko |
Raising Glasses |
Suspended Gong |
The Bodhran |
The Field Drum |
Suspicious Tumbleweed |
Elegant Dance |
The Bard's Triangle |
Gryphon's Fireside |
Boxing Drill |
Mad Alchemist |
Stars of Destiny |
Boxing Drill |
Think About It |
My Juggle Act |
Most Wanted |
Think About It |
My Juggle Act |
Most Wanted |
A Light In The Dark |
Sun's Out Chair's Out |
Dev Handshake |
Handle With Care |
Popcorn Kick |
Follow My Lead |
Snake Crossing |
Rocking Horse |
Rhythms of Shibu |
Fighting Stance[]
Snowball Fight! |
Heroes | |
Knights | Warden - Conqueror - Peacekeeper - Lawbringer -Centurion Gladiator - Black Prior - Warmonger - Gryphon |
Samurai | Kensei - Shugoki - Orochi - Nobushi - Shinobi Aramusha - Hitokiri - Kyoshin - Sohei |
Vikings | Raider - Warlord - Berserker - Valkyrie - Highlander Shaman - Jormungandr - Varangian Guard |
Wu Lin | Tiandi - Jiang Jun - Nuxia - Shaolin - Zhanhu |
Outlanders | Pirate - Medjay - Afeera - Ocelotl - Khatun |