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For Honor Wiki

The Acamar armor is one of the three rare level armor gear sets for the Berserker class (Along with the Benetram & Procyon Sets) for the Viking faction in For Honor.

Berserker Gear Visuals
Berserker Armor Visuals
Common Gunteric Shergar Mizar
Rare Procyon Benetram Acamar Grettis
Heroic Velyris Hengels
Lynea Gleip
Epic Frami Aegolius Mohaan Dessheren Haugbui
Legendary Theudis
Hallvard Rikiwulf Farbjoedhr
Event Fury Stalker
Berserker Weapon Visuals
Common Dynthor - Bjort - Lusia - Fylgia - Karmarir - Narkhild
Rare Liete - Ranka - Ariseis - Aella - Lyngve - Myrkliete - Vanirana - Laced Karmarir - Defiant Explorer
Heroic Zaback - Paet - Alfarinn - Abner - Vanir - Algedur - Azoth Abner - Hafgrim*
Epic Anastas - Khardin - Gjallahorn - Mundilfare - Svadilfari - Feral Hog - Ozur* - Balmung* - Gripping Beast*
Legendary Bashok - Strange Bedfellows - Bearded Dragon - Forgotten Gods - Rash Garmia - Eye of the Storm - Vicious Beasts - Counting Crows - Gyre - Odin's Wolves - Visions of Eternity* - Flame and Shadow* - Garmia* - Avilda* - Rashana* - Wild Horse* - Hakarl* - Doomed Drekar* - The Warg's*
Event Howling Winds - Blasphemer - Blazing Sparks - Oskoreia - Connor's Revenge - Perun's Gift - Landvaettir - Grafvitner - Gelgja - Arvakr - Ereta - Belligerent Outlaw - Yelling Squash - Chimera Sveit - Wily Snowflake
Premium Wyverndale Robber - Libration of Horkos - Sylvan's Rebirth - Avant-Garde Filungar - Fabled Varnarmur - Cursed Seithr

*Star Weapon
