What if we had a gun only game mode where every hero’s weapons have been replaced by muskets and it’s a 4v4v4v4. Thoughts?
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If you're on attackers, then then either
Capture the rampart, defend the ram, or get the shield banner to the ram. If you're on defenders, then protect the ramparts, focus on attacking the ram, bring shield banner to the gate, or use the damn cauldron on the ram. How are players not understanding on how to do these?
Just Updated
Does anyone know if test your metals will come out again this year or is it like a yearly thing or just random? And I missed the recent one but will I still be able to get the same gear that I missed if it comes out ?
26 Votes in Poll
Is it just my personal opinion or do 90% of For Honor PS4 players never help other players in 4v4 dominion?
Like damn, I'm out there going behind enemy lines to revive some ally but whenever I die nobody gives a shit 🤣.
** Laughs in godlike killstreak **
This is the Gamemode i came up with by the Zhanhu's Gambit event (please dont attack me)
Overview: Escort is the gamemode were you (the defenders) escort the king to the outside and capture points and if youre low on health you can always run back to the captured points to heal or the King has a healing zone
How many zones: 7
How it Works: The Defenders need to protect the king and capture 7 zones and the Attackers must stop them from going out of the fortress and is there last stand if the defenders wins they go out but if the attackers kill the king they win
King: the King has the same health as the Commander but the difference is that the king defends and can heal himself but he does still need your help and can come in different variations Knights, Vikings, Samurai, and Wu Lin
What do you think
What is the current faction war map? I wanna arrange my crusades. Can somebody send a picture of how it looks now?
27 Votes in Poll
Personally i play either dominion and breach, some brawls at times
But breach is the most fun to me because it’s a long match!
Overview: Conquest a 6v6 open map where you can mount on horses,Siege artillery,etc and it has 21 archer points.
Maps: The maps are open and have larger 3 laying and ways to move from one zone to another and in each zone there are trebuchets to use for both teams
Intro: The cutscence begins when you the Defender are holding a large fortress against the Attackers and the attacking forces are seen riding on horses and mounted on balistas to take the castle
Zones: There are 21 archer points and both teams can take the archer points back and if its contested the banners and shields will turn white and in each zone there are minions with shield captains and archers spawning in
Mounts: In conquest there will be mounts to have for both teams for example a warden on a horse or a orochi controlling a Hwacha and these can help defending the zones easier
Win: If the Defenders win they will cheer at the attackers defeat but if the Attackers when they overthrow and control the castle
What do you think
Is anyone expecting more throwback events this year? If so, which ones? Metal Trials was my personal favorite.
Hardpoint sounds like dominion but better there are 10 zones with 1 shield captain and 5 minions on each zone if you are in the hardpoint you are increasing the boost score if both players on the opposite team are on the zone it becomes contested and if both players are on the same team the hardpoint goes faster and the team with most zones will make the other team break and win the game
PS please dont hate me
First of all I can believe there isn’t any warnings when the shield banner appears, also nerf the pikemen health and make them kill able with one heavy and light just like before
AND NERF OFFICER they’re absolutely horrible, I play pk someone is ganking me with an officer, I get bashed and the officer slaps me with a 40 damage swing with no revenge feeding.... stop this 😔
And the new guardian boost making jorm absolutely useless... it isn’t nice either when conq or jj and highlander are almost unkillable with unlimited stamina 😭.
I hope they fix this soon!
Do you have any funny/annoying/strange breach anecdote you want to share? Please feel free ^-^
This gamemode is called ZOMBIES just like call of duty and you fight a endless wave of zombies there are types of zombies knight zombies viking zombies samuari zombies and wu lin zombies they get stronger in each wave and fight to the very end if you die you dont respawn you need your teammates to revive you and if all of your teammates die the match ends and you receive 2000 xp and 700 steel for each match
What do yall think about this gamemode post your thoughts
41 Votes in Poll
Omg this has been a thing with me ever since I got into for honor. Dominion is the main mode I play and I do the things you would likely expect in dominion: ledging, ganking, using the environment etc. normally when i play dominion this stuff happens and I’m fine with it because I get used to it. I’m not saying I’m alright with being ganked or getting ledged and it is annoying but what do you expect when starting a match of dominion right? Whats been annoyingly me is when I get honourable players on my team, now I know that you should play the game how you like it but tbh I find it annoying having my teammate watching me get killed by an opponent. In dominion don’t forget. When their team isn’t even breaking. Anyways, when there’s honourable players on the other team it’s a bit better because the pressure of getting ganked isn’t to likely. But when they get ganked themselves they spam Wow in the chat as if they are actually surprised that they got ganked like they thought it was never gonna happen, and sometimes they even feel the need to message the person that ganked them. I have gotten two messages from honourable players in dominion to say “stop ganking!” And “You have no skill”.I’m not exaggerating that is what he really said. So firstly i understand that these players just want to play the game how they want and I respect that but if they get ganked and they get mad and feel the need to message insulting stuff to people that non-surprisingly ganked them or ledgeed them in dominion that’s just what I think is toxic and a dick move. So if ur a honourable player in dominion good for u play how you like but if you get ganked you shouldn’t be so surprised and angry that you feel the need to message people about it insulting them because of people ganking them. If people gank u that just means that that’s how they like to play and u just gotta live with it that dominion is a ganking ledging playground. The only times me myself is honourable is when someone from the enemy team lets me 1v1 I still respect that person and if I run into them again and they are in a 1v1 I will let that person 1v1 as he (or she) did to me. Other times is when the enemy team is breaking and if there is only one guy left I’ll let him have his last stand and let him 1v1 because his team is going to lose anyway. A more rare time is if in the rare case I get into a game of dominion and the enemy team and my team are full of honourable players I don’t to much like to be “that one guy” that ganks so I just sorta become honourable to go along with all the others. Like the saying goes, I think “if you can’t defeat them, become them”. So anyway ppl what are ur opinions on this?
In for honor theres Only 2 things to do, duels and battles, OK somtimes events but they die out prity quikly. But now i cant even play duels, 7/10 times i play Only against wardens ho usualy abuese their bash.
I think for honor needs to make a New game mode. If you have played Desteny then youd know they have "raids" that are prity interesting. Maybe they coud make something simuler to it?
So basically a bridge is the map and it's a 4v4. The objective to get your team on the other side but you gotta pass 2-3 rounds or just respawning enemies. Ledging will be the main reason for death ofcourse. (Sorry if this idea was said already.)
Edit: "Warlord approves this message"😂
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