Love the hxh rebot
Going from new gen to old Gen for honor is the most jaring thing ever
What's up Gill how's it been
Haha kwan look at our bios in mine your #1 Scott and I'm #1 in yours as well
Theres no way 3/4s of the for honor community have an iq higher than a sea cucumber.
Shugo, doesnt matter how many times you punch him he wont feel it plus his back breaker move
Dude it's been like 14 days
I feel like if the dev's cant bother to balance their own game they wouldn't have enough care to rig the war
Stamina changes lowkey ruined the game ngl
Fighting fucking Lincoln the neuro surgeon
And my opponents go to Harvard apparently
And I guess 7 o clock is when the special ed kids are let out because oh my god my teammates have an iq equivalent to a sea cucumber
I think my favorite part of for honor is how invincible black prior is unpunishable in any way shape or form
That had to be someone else. How is it very noticable difference?
No we did a mirror match glad and mirror match highlander one
We only played 2 against each other if that's what your referencing
Rich coming from a person who plays against bots
Hit stun goes crazy
Zanny S+ one of the few youtubers whose videos i can rewatch and still enjoy